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Presentation Structure1. Title slide: Title, your name, 4690 ORGL Capstone, date.2. Organizational Leadership outcomes. Devote at least one slide to each outcome.3. Identify artifacts attesting to you

Presentation Structure1. Title slide: Title, your name, 4690 ORGL Capstone, date.2. Organizational Leadership outcomes. Devote at least one slide to each outcome.3. Identify artifacts attesting to your learning for each ORGL outcome.“A” work has two artifacts and rationale per outcome.4. Provide rationale for each artifact. Very Important!Explain how/why the item illustrates your achievement in the outcome.MUST SHOW RELEVANCE to the subject – which is leading organizations.5. Conclusion or Final Thoughts page. A few paragraphs synthesizing what you have learnedthroughout your academic career (not just in the ORGL courses).6. Citations: Source artifacts, either on each slide or in final Reference/Works Cited page.Artifacts are items that illustrate, demonstrate, exemplify, represent, or symbolize an idea.1. Papers, or assignments from academics, volunteer or professional work products (excerpts)2. Projects, booklets, presentations, exhibits, trainings Photos; screen shots and/or links to social media, website pages or postings3. Correspondence - Letters, notes, emails4. Certificates, awards, recognitions5. Activities; Memberships in organizations, nonprofits, civic groups, professional associations6. Clippings from newspapers; snippets from video7. Excerpts or samples from college coursework: Title of paper, project, or assignment, course, professor,term, year. Use direct quotes: include page number.8. Do not duplicate artifacts for outcomes.9. Include a variety of sources.10. Use only ONE ORGL course artifact.11. Use artifacts that are relevant and on-point.12. PPTs are usually about 10-14 slidesTHIS NEED TO BE A 10 SLIDE POWERPOINT!

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Outcome #1: Students will demonstrate an understanding of organizational leadership as it relates to and impacts individuals, communities, and wider society from democratic, multicultural and national perspectives.


´The chapter “Leadership and the Promotion of Diversity in the Work Force and Beyond” explore the leadership elements that may help a leader drive an organization towards fostering and promoting diversity.


´While the chapter is based on the healthcare setting, it reflects the leadership qualities that any business leader needs. Improving workplace diversity can only be achieved through a change in organizational culture. A leader should address underlying stereotypes towards other cultures and groups (. It involves learning about the culturally accepted language and promoting respect and inclusivity. Instead of focusing on an employee’s background, organizations need to focus on the competence and commitment of employees towards goals and embrace diversity.

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