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1. Reread chapter 3 in Research Methods in Criminal Justice and Criminology Ninth Edition.Then read the article "Outcome Evaluation of Pennsylvania's Boot Camp: Does Rehabilitative Programming within a Disciplinary Setting Reduce Recidivism?" (Kempinen & Kurlychek, 2003). In a narrative format of 500 or more words, identify: (a) the research problem (what the authors were studying), (b) research design, (c) data-gathering strategy, (d) any hypotheses, (e) dependent variable(s), (f) independent variable(s), and (g) how key dependent and independent variables were operationalized (defined and measured).

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********** ********* paper Previously * ******** had ***** the ************ *** ** ************ **** camps ** ** ********* ** ******** recidivism so the ******* ** * ************** ***** ** still not ***** ***** ** a ****** ***** ********** this ***** ***** ** ****** ********** ** Penn *** Sylvania’s ************ **** **** ******* that ***** **** * **************** tactic ** *** ************** programming These **** ******** ****** ********** ** *** 1990s as **** **** ****** ** ***** tough ** ******** ******* foretell **** **** ******* model *** ** better in ******** ********** **** outdated ****** specifically ***** ******* ********* offenders *** ******* young and ** ****** ********* * ***** took ** quasi-experimental ****** ***** ******** **** ********* in ***** some ** **** **** ** the ******* group ** ********* **** ***** ****** the **** **** ******* regardless of ***** ********* ** ** ***** ************* ** ******** **** *** **** ******** showed **** ***** were no *********** *********** ** recidivism rates among ***** *** graduated **** *** boot **** program *** *** **** *** **** ******** **** prison Nevertheless ** further investigation ** dealings ******* ** was proofed that *** ************** ***** of **** **** had more ********* ** ******** recidivism **** ****** among ******* **** ********* ******** record The ******* ******** **** boot **** ****** ** ******** ** ******** ***** ** ********** ** ***** ** affect ********** rateTo analyze *** ********* variable ********** ** *********** ** *** ways The first ** convictions *** *** ****** together **** technical ********** ********** ***** and *********** *** brand crimes only *** **** independent ******** ** interest ** **** **** graduate ******** ** prison ******* **** *** *** ********** that *** **** measures ** recidivism boot **** ********* will be ****** to ************ **** ******** *** *** run * ***** and following ******* ********* including *** **** ****** offense ********** status ***** ******** ****** *** *** **** ******* ******** **** the maximum ******** lengths We ********* ***** ***** **** *** ******** **** *** missing *** report ** employment ******** ****** *** ***** ****** ********* ** * ***** ****** ** *** *** *** real ********** Then we *** ***** ******* *********** ********** for **** **** *** age *** **** camp ******** with a ***** record ** *** *** ************ **** *** boot **** can ***** additional ******** *** ********* ********* (the young ********* and offenders with ***** ******** ********** ********** *** ** no idea whether the ********* ****** ** the boot **** ** ***** ******* ** *** ***** ***** **** *** program *** ** ********** ** encouraging ********** ********* ** ********* ******* lacking ********* *** ********** ******* ** *** ********* the ****** ******** ***** ***** ********* the next phase of *** research **** **** with these ****** by *** taking * * ***** board survey ** **** **** ******* to ******* *** ******* ** ************** programming ** conveying ***** *** *********** transformation ** ******** ****** *** ********* *** *** ********** * ************ ***** to look **** *** **** ** ***** in *** ******** ** ********** ***** **** camp **************************** * ******* * * ***** * & Hoge * D (1990) ************** for effective **************************** psychology ******** ******* *** ******** 17 ****** ******** C & ********* M ****** ************** ************ boot ***** 2000 ****** ** *** legislature University ***** ************ State ******* ************ ********** ** Sentencing3 Ncjrsgov(2017)NcjrsgovRetrieved21 *** ******** ***********************************************************

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