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Part I: Write a top 5 personal values in order of importance

Brief description of what each value means to me?

How each of the 5 values impact my life?

How each of the 5 values impact my leadership effectiveness?

Part II: Leadership Vision Statement 

Describes the type of leader I want to be

Describes what student wants to accomplish as a leader

Part III: Strengths and Improvement Areas

3 Strength and explainss why each is a strength

3 Improvement area and explain each why

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***** On * **** of my personal ****** **** ** **** ***** *** ***** *** commitment ********** ******* ******* and being ******* ********** ******** ****** ************* affect *** perceptions they leave on ********** mindsI ****** feel ********* ** ** ***** and **** I ***** *** as * citizen *** * ***** ***** ******** possible * **** obligated ** serve ****** *** sometimes even abandon ** *** ***** To ** **** ** succeed one *** to believe ** ********* *** ***** thing * believe ** ** ****** *** ** ******* ** ******* *** ******* That ********** ** ****** ** ******* to ** *********** *** *** * ****** ****** head-on I ** **** truthful *********** and **** * ** **** ** ******* ******* **** ** *********** ****** *** ** ******** recordMy ********** ******* * ** ********** in ** ***** activities *** whatever I ******* ****** **** *** **** ** ****** the confidence ** fulfilling ** ******** **** * mostly *** ** ********** ** ** ********* ** being honest has ****** ** ***** **** my colleagues *** ******* who feel ** ******* personality ** ******** *** ********** Believing ** ******* *** ****** is **** * ***** **** has **** ****** ** * considerable amount ** ******* ***** my ******* and ***** *** **** believe in *** same ************* ** ********* ** maintain law *** ***** and ** * ****** ***** **** ** ** admirable quality **** **** ******** ** ****** **** equality people **** **** a **** *********** ******* ** *********** our ******* ** commitment ******* ** * ****** ***** ******* ********* *** ******** ** ** carefully followed *** **** completed * also ******* **** ******** *** transparency ** ********** *** fundamental ** **** ******** ***** ***** ******* *** **** they stand *** To gain * ******** position ******* **** ** be **** ** their ****** *** ****** ***** ****** ****** **** ** * ***** ** *********** that may ****** ***** service ** ************* vision ** ** ** ** honest inspirational efficient *** transformational leader *** to ** ** ********* ****** ** *** ***** of *** ****** * ******* in * ******* ***** truth *** ******* ** * ****** employed by most ** us ** commitment to grow as a ****** *** ******* *********** ******* ** *** ****** *** ******* ** **** this **** is consistent *** ********* ********* outdo ** weaknesses *** * ******* each ** ** *** **** strengths **** weaknesses That’s *** ** ******* through **** ***** ** ******* ****** **** keeps us going every *** ***** ** ******* **** of *** ***** *** ***** ********** hardworking and ********* * never quit *** * know **** * *** I **** * ****** but when I quit * **** ******* **** My commitment ******* I **** **** *** ****** ********** *** **** ** ****** * **** ***** ***** offering services ** *********** ****** likes ******* *** ****** **** about ***** almost ******* ********** **** * lot of people *** ********* ** him ** her ** ********* ****** **** ***** ** *** ***** ** **** ****** my ****** and scopes *** **** the way **** a ****** ***** ******* ** ********** *** ********** think I should ******* ** ************* skills * am yet ** ***** a **** ****** ******** ‘super-power’ ***** ***** ** ***** when ** ***** to ********* ****** An active voice *** ***** ****** ** move **** ******* **** *** ****** **** ********** had ** ******** * ** **** *** ** **** track in * leadership ******** **** where experience is ****** relevant **** ** ***** ** ********** ******* * am ****** ** the ******* ********* ** ******** ****** *** constantly being ** *** ********* of most ******** and movements ****** * ******* improving ** ******* to make a ***** judgment ** all *** ***** **** and ***** ** *** ** ** **** worth ******* ************** ******** A (2004)Values-driven *********** Discovering *** ********** **** core ****** for ministry ***** ************ * R ***** * ***** ******* * * *************** *********** *** college ******** who **** ** **** * difference **** ***** & ******

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