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Explain at least five differences between popular and scholarly sources used in research.Scholarly sources are written by subject matter experts.Scholarly sources are peer reviewed.Scholarly sources h

Explain at least five differences between popular and scholarly sources used in research.

Scholarly sources are written by subject matter experts.

Scholarly sources are peer reviewed.

Scholarly sources have footnotes and bibliographies.

Scholarly sources have minimal advertising or illustrations.

Scholarly sources are based on original research or intellectual inquiry.

Popular sources are written by anyone.

Popular sources are not peer reviewed.

Popular sources do not have footnotes and bibliographies.

Popular sources have advertising or illustrations.

Popular sources may not be original research.

◦ Locate and summarize one peer-reviewed, scholarly source from the Ashford University Library and one popular source that pertain to your Final Paper topic. In your summary of each article, comment on the following: biases, reliability, strengths, and limitations.

The rising pressure of global water shortages.

This article give insight on the water issues across the world. Gives statistics on the countries and places around the world that do not have running water and still use the bathroom in the streets with out proper sewage. The article is not biases because the author wants to fix the sewage issues and he gives examples of countries that have water treaties that have been in place for years despite the countries wars with each other. The statistics are reliable and shocking. The strength of the article in the begging makes you think strongly on how and what you can do to fix the issues of the water shortage across the globe. Limitations to would be that more of the countries need to work together to help fix the water shortage.

Eliasson, J. (2015). The rising pressure of global water shortages.(WORLD VIEW: A personal take on events). Nature, (7532), 6. Retrieved from

Is physical water scarcity a new phenomenon? Global assessment of water shortage over the last two millennia

This article explains how water shortages have changes aver the decades and when the world started getting more populated and the climate change affecting the water models. The Falkenmark water stress indicator explains the water shortage over 284 sub basins. Which gives a percentage of the water uses as the population increases. Which shows us that over time and the more the world grows the more water we use which creates the water shortage.

Kummu, M., Ward, P. J., Moel, H. de, & Varis, O. (2010). Is physical water scarcity a new phenomenon? Global assessment of water shortage over the last two millennia. Environmental Research Letters, 5(3), 034006. Retrieved from

◦ From the sources you summarized, list and explain at least five visual cues from the peer-reviewed, scholarly source that were not evident in the popular source.

Like I stated above the peer reviewed lead you to the book, there was no adds or commercials or popups distracting you like the popular source. Reading the scholarly was a little boring just black and white letters while there was a picture of the author on the popular source so at lease you had a idea who was talking to you. There was no search feature on the popular source. There was not cite button on the side of the popular source.


Eliasson, J. (2015). The rising pressure of global water shortages.(WORLD VIEW: A personal take on events). Nature, (7532), 6. Retrieved from

Kummu, M., Ward, P. J., Moel, H. de, & Varis, O. (2010). Is physical water scarcity a new phenomenon? Global assessment of water shortage over the last two millennia. Environmental Research Letters, 5(3), 034006. Retrieved from

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