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Explain Elrey Jeppesen Contribution and the significance of his contribution to Aviation. Elrey Jeppesen is a renowned pilot whose efforts to create charts and manual s to help in flying have been ins

Explain Elrey Jeppesen Contribution and the significance of his contribution to Aviation.

Elrey Jeppesen is a renowned pilot whose efforts to create charts and manual s to help in flying have been instrumental in revolutionizing flying. Jeppesen was born in the year 1907 at Louisiana, growing up in Oregon, and later moving to Portland. He developed a passion for flying since his early childhood through drawing inspiration from the flying eagles. This passion brought him closer to the art at the tender age of fourteen years when a barnstormer gave him a few minutes flight at a fee.

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**** ***** ***** ******** joined *** Tex ****** ****** ****** and **** marked the ********* ** *** ****** ****** ** is ** **** point **** *** young ******** ****** **** ******** *** ********** **** *** childhood dream ***** ** *** **** ***** to explore *********** did ** know **** this ***** be *** career for *** next ***** ***** across ******* *********** of *** *** ********* ****** **** *** savings and ********** borrowings ** *** **** ******* ******* ** was **** to *** **** ****** ***** ** purchase a ******** ***** in which ** now ****** *** *** ********* ***** ******* ***** he ***** ***** ************* ***** *** Orleans *** *** **************** ** ***** ******** to another working ******* ** ****** ** *** **** 1930 and ended up a ******* ** ****** *** ********* ******* ******* working at *** ***** was *** quite fascinating *** the young and ********* ******** *** **** **** ** *** missing a lot working as * ******** and **** ** ** a ******* ****** ** **** point ** decided ** ** **** to Fairchild ** this time *** world *** ********** *** ***** ********** when ******** **** ****** mails This short ********** made *** ***** ******** ** question *** safety *** *** ********** ** flying ** he traversed ******* ******* ****** ** slowly started to ***** ** ways to **** ****** easier and safer in ********** ** the then’s ****** ********** **** ************ *** use of ************ **** **** ******** ** *** *** of ***** land marks *** ***** ******* **** ********** ******** started ********* *** *** ** his own **** *** charts **** ******** *********** customized ** ***** ****** ****** the ****** **** ** the ********* ** ****** *** ********** prevailing ******* patterns ****** *** routes ***** **** ***** ***** and *** ******* obstructions that ******* along *** routes **** maps ******** him with *********** ***** *** ***** ***** **** ** was ******* ** his destination ******** **** ********* and responsiveness ** well ********** ** acquire **** useful *********** ** ********* *** ******* ********* *** ********* municipalities ********** ******** and his ******** ******* ******** observations ** **** This **** him clearer ******* of his ***** **** **** flying ** ***** **** he ***** *** easily **** these visual ****************** *********** ************ *** ********** **** to *********** **** *** ****** ******* ** ******** ***** ***** **** *** * ********** ****** ** ****** in ***** ** ******** **** *** **** ****** **** ******** ** ten ******* each **** **** ****** demanded ** ********** pilots *** ******** **** bought **** *** ***** ****** Throughout *** ******** ******** ******* *** **** ******** ***** earned *** **** ******** ** the point *** ******** **** ********* ** which **** ***** ** * ***** **** *** close ** ************ yard ************ ******** ******** **** ****** selling ***** *** **** ********* the ********* ** United comp0any ***** bought ************ ********************** ***** ****** **** ***** adopted ** *** US **** ** be **** in *** ***** *** * The creation of a *** ******** ****** ** *** same period **** *** *** ******** ** the ****** ****** Air Force **** the **** **** more ************ applicable ** this **** ********* ***** ******** who ********** the United company ** ****** their pilots with *** ************ ****** and manuals ** ******** ***** ********** and ****** ************ result ******** *** ********** and ***** ** * world aerial cartographer ******* ******** **** *** sky ****** **** **** used ** ******* ********** *** ******** aircrafts ** **** This *********** ** ********* confidence ****** among the ****** *** ***** *** **** ******* ******** **** skies and even ****** ****** ****** *** ***** ** **** ********* *********** ** *** ********** **** *** ****** ******* by Jeppesen ** sought a *********** ****** ** ***** *** *********** **** on ********* *** ****** *** improving ** *** idea as **** ********* ** *** year 1954 ** resigned **** *** ****** ******** ** ****** *** *** business ***** the **** 1961It *** ** **** ***** **** ** **** *** **** ** *** ****** ********** ******* ***** ***** ******* ** *** *********** chairman **** ******* **** Jeppesen ****** either ******** ** ********** ***** *** ***** *** **** ************ ***** ** giving **** to *** ************ ******** **** *** **** *********** in *** ****** and navigation *** company ***** ** a ***** ***** ***** of *** **** and ****** in ********** ***** ************ ***** training and providing ********** **************** ** *** ***************** Jeppesen has **** ******** ** the *** ******** **** ** **** *** *** ******** *** **** *********** ******* Award along **** Charles ********* **** Sikorsky ****** Douglas and ***** ********* *** **** ******** at *** ****** ************* Airport is ***** *** Elrey * ******** ******** in *** ********** Jeppesen died ******** ** *** home ** ******** on November **** ****

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