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Explain virtue ethics and, specifically, Aristotle’s ‘doctrine of the mean.’ Is there practical value to his theory (i.e. do you think it could be usefully applied to a person’s life)? Discuss with sp

What is Aristotle’s ‘doctrine of the mean.’ Explain his "value ethics". Is there practical value to his theory (i.e. do you think it could be usefully applied to a person’s life)? Discuss with specific examples.

Write a short essay on ONE of the topics below. Be sure to address each part of the topic/question.  Your essay should be clearly organized and written in paragraph form.   The only sources you need to consult are our course readings (Blackboard reading materials, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy , the Nagel textbook) , and other any relevant course materials.   For in- text citations, cite sources simply by identifying them (e.g. ‘Nagel, p. 14’ or ‘SEP’) .  No separate ‘References’ page is required for these  sources.   

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****** Ethics and Aristotle’s ******** of *** MeanVirtue ****** ** * ****** ** ********** **** explains *** ***** beings ****** to ** **** ****** ****** ****** ** a ****** **** *** ********* **** ** the *********** *** scientist ********* of ******* ****** Aristotle ****** **** virtues *** *** ******** ** *** potential ** ** ******** *** rather ** innate motive ********* ** ********* * person's ******* ****** his ** her character ** ******* ** ********* ** ********* is *** * ***** ********** ** ******** ***** ******* ** it a culture ******** ** ******* Virtue ethics are ******** *** **** ******* of ****** ethics ** ** *** ***** **** ***** ********* *** ****** ** the congregation *** **** how ** ****** **** with *** ********* "Love your neighbor ** *** **** yourself" ** illustrated by **** ********* there is ** ********** ** ******* ******** associated **** ****** ethics ***** *** **** *** ****** criticized * lot Virtue ****** ** ********** ****** *** ********* on * ******** ********* ** **** **** ******** identification and *********** of ******* ****** **** person ** personAristotle's ******** ** *** Mean ** ******* ************* ****** *********** ********** influenced *** ******* ** *** ******** ** *** **** *** ****** was * physician ** **** **** ******** **** from mixing ******** of various *** materials **** ********* had ** ** ** *** ***** ********** ** * vial ** ******** *** ****** ** the Doctrine of the **** **** ** Aristotle ** an *********** *** ****** For example ** ***** ** ********* ** ******** **** ** ****** ** **** food ** *** ******* of ***** ***** **** there **** be * medical problem *************** ** *** same ****** ******** **** **** *** ******** ******* ****** **** there ***** **** ** * ********* medical ******* *** ******** ** *** **** ** **** health and ********* example ***** ********* ****** *** ******** of **** ** * ******** amountUsing * ******* *** ****** history ********* ********* *** ******** ** the **** Hence *** ********** ******* two ******** *** **** became ********** ** ********* ********** *** ********* **** every ********** ******* for when ***** good ********** ** a ************** ** *** ********* *** * person **** **** ********* ******* *** * balance ******* *** *** extremes *** two extremes are ***** by *********** **** *** not great ********* To ********* * ****** was stuck ** *** middle ** two ***** ** ******* **** The ******** ** *** **** while ********** **** ******* especially ******* *** ************** ** failed ** **** *** **** ** ***** ******* ************** *********** ** ***** choices ****** *** ***** ********* that *** ***** out *** natural ********* *** example if somebody ** driving ***** a ******* ** stopped ** a ********** **** a ***** *** on *** **** ***** ** ** ***** *** deciding * **** ****** between two vices Assuming **** ******** *** ******** ********** *** ******* ** ** at *** *** *** of *** ******* what ********* to ** at *** upper end? It could ******* *** driver ******** out ** the ******* and ******* beating up *** distraught man **** **** drivers are going *** **** way who *** ** ** ********** Why ****** *** ********** ****** stop to **** *** stranger? On top of **** *** ******* ** ***** for carjackers around **** ******** spot ** this ******* deciding on * mean ********** ** ****** ** **** ********* ******* *** ************** *** much **** complicated than "help" ****** ****** *********** ****** ** ********* ** ********* *** ****** ** that ** *** *** set *** ********** for ******* ** a ***** ***** **** ************ such ** Kant ****** *********** *** sets of natural **** ***** *** ***** ********* ********* ********* the ****** ** all decisions; ***** is ******** ******* *********** most *********** ************ ** ********** is *** *** of logic *** ******** ** *** Mean depended ** feelings ** innate ******** by ** individual to * particular condition ***** feelings ********** *** specific ****** To Aristotle ****** *** *** **** ** ** nurtured as ** ** ****** A ***** ******* ** ** * home **** ******* *** ******** does not **** to ** **** it ** ***** ** **** his parents or ****** *** ******** ** is ********* **** *** ***** knows automatically Aristotle *** ******** *** used ***** ** *** ********* * lot; it *** ** the **** ******** but ** **** **** it *** very *********************** has **** a **** *** ***** *********** ******** of *** Mean However ** ** *** **** ********* ********** ******* and ************** *** ********** ** Aristotle's ****** For ******* **** ******* ********** **** as ********** ******* *** ******* ** ** pain ** ********** a **** ** *** **** **** ** ** arm *** *** **** ** ** **** ***** *** ********* ** ********* In *** *** ****** ****** *** the ******** of *** **** ****** ********** ** ** ** **** importantly ********* ********** on ************* ***** character *********** is ********* from one ****** to *******

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