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EZ- AB Presented below is information related to West Lake Real Estate Agency. Analyze transactions and Oct . Paul Ebu begins business as a real...

Hi, Please help me Prepare the debit-credit analysis for each transaction as illustrated on pages xx-xx.

EZ- AB Presented below is information related to West Lake Real Estate Agency.Analyze transactions andOct .Paul Ebu begins business as a real estate agent with a cash investment of $22 , 000 .determine their effect onaccounts .2Paid rent , $700 , on office space .3Purchases office furniture for $ 2, 800 , on account .( LO 1 )6Sells a house and lot for Jane Hung ; bills Jane Hung $5 , 400 for realty servicesprovided .27Pays $ 1 , 100 on the balance related to the transaction of October 3 .30Receives bill for October utilities , $180 ( not paid at this time ) .InstructionsPrepare the debit - credit analysis for each transaction as illustrated on pages * X - x x`
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