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G-11_High Renaissance

GUIDE 12                                                                                        Unit 3                    

                                The High Renaissance in Italy

Moses by Michelangelo. 1515. San Peitro Church in Vincoli, Rome.


The period of the highest achievements in the Italian Renaissance spanned

the last third of the 15th and early 16th century.

As you can see, it was rather a short period - just about 30 years. It is absolutely amazing how many masterpieces had been created during a third of century. is considered to be the time of

Locate this period on the timeline below and remember it. 

[Place the cursor between [*] and High Renaissance, and keep clicking on space bar] 

*    High  Renaissance                                   


                             1400                   1450                   1500                                     1600

                                                                                                 16th century        

Three great artists of

The High Renaissance

Leonardo da Vinci



Read the text and sum up the information. Describe the artists’ major artistic achievements, lives, and personalities. Put on paper the facts you find interesting.  

Leonardo’s name is an embodiment of the idea of the Classical Greek idea of a “four-square man.”  Describe Leonardo’s amazing personality in a few words.

      The Last Supper       

Fresco or Painting? -  [delete wrong technique]   

*              [Where is it located?]

Poor Condition - *  [Why? - “Pasta steaming” was not the major reason, by the way]



      Madonna of the Rocks

Compare with the Giotto’s Madonna. Not that much time had separated them.  But what a difference!

What exactly makes Leonardo’s Madonna different? 


      Mona Lisa  - [when painted?]      

Now here we are – face to face with the most famed portrait on earth.

            Read the Compare & Contrast pages and write down 5 facts that you would like

            to remember – could be a fact, characteristic, quote or your opinion.

            It can be one word (e.g. “smile”) or three sentences. Keep it short.




Ginevra di Benci by Leonardo Da Vinci - a gem in the National Gallery’s collection and the only Leonardo’s work in the Western hemisphere.

This short video (6 min) about tells the story about the portrait of a young wife of Florentine Banker and also explains the terms: Atmospheric Perspective

Sfumato (gentle blending of the colors as the ways to shape a form)


Leonardo did not accomplish too many works. He was too diversified in his interests and occupations. Also he always kept experimenting and changing what had already been done. 

He considered himself a scholar in the first place and only then an artist.  And he really was an outstanding scientist and engineer.  He was a true genius indeed. 

To learn more about Leonardo, I would recommend you to choose him as one of the three artists for your unit project. 

Raphael  [1483 – 1520] 

The youngest of the three great masters of the High Renaissance was Raphael Sanzio.           

How long did he live? - *

Not long at all, right?  But he was extremely prolific. He has many pupils, and his shop produced many art works.

What was he famous for?




       The School of Athens        *   [date]    *    [century]

             “Who’s Who” of  *….           

Who is depicted on this mural? 



Cab you find the Raphael’s self-portrait? (in the far right). He was a very nice looking man.  How old was he at the time of decorating the papal apartments in Vatican? -*           

Type in two key words to describe the Raphael’s composition. [find in the last sentence]



In the 16-19th centuries Raphael was a cult figure for the artists all over Europe. It used to be the best compliment for an artist to hear: “You paint as Raphael!”

In the 19th century – the ranking had changed.  It is not Raphael any more but Michelangelo who has been since considered the most prominent figure in the Italian Renaissance.

                       The School of Athens (1510-1511).  Detail

                   Raphael’s self-portrait (2nd on the right, looking at you)


Michelangelo[1952 - …]

Michelangelois believed by many to be the greatest genius in the history of art.

 * ..     [How long did he live?]

      The ceiling of *…   Chapel         [name]

You should remember that the Sistine Chapel is in the Popes’ residence in Vatican.

And do you know where Vatican is?  It is in Rome.  (Same about The School of Athens)

Who commissioned this work? - *

What is the story of this extraordinary monument of painting? How long did it take for Michelangelo to accomplish the ceiling?  Put down three facts




    What is the iconography of this work?  In other words what is depicted in it?


I thought this photo might be interesting to show you– it is a modern day restoration, of course, yet it can help you imagination to envision Michelangelo, working under the ceiling one-on-one with his great creations….( only he was lied on his back, as you know now, for 4 years…)


      The Creation of Adam  - The most famous of the ceiling scenes of the Sistine Chapel.

Using it as an example, provide some stylistic analysis  - what is depicted and how.

 Which moment did an artist choose? Is it a moment of creation Adam’s physical body?    



“Michelangelo saw himself more as a sculptor than as a painter.” Looking at this mural,

 can you see it?   How do the figures rendered?


TERM:  Chiaroscuro                                        [chia-roh-SKU-ro]

      David    -       [Date]

Provide a few statements/facts about the giant statue done by Michelangelo when he was 27 year old.





Outline of the information you have in your book on artist’s life and personality.  Describe the major artistic achievements.  Put on paper whatever you find interesting and worthy to remember.

High and Late Renaissance inVenice

What were the Venetian artists and Venetian painting famous for?


In the 16th century Venice would come to figure as prominently in the arts as *

Titian    - An outstanding Venetian painter and colorist

What were his innovations and impact? What was his pictorial method? Can Titian be called a typical Renaissance artist?  What was new and different in his art?


      Venus of Urbino         *…     [Date]     

Three facts/statements:




Read the last paragraph and observe how the principles of Balance work in the Composition?



            Sum up the information from your book.  .




      The Last Supper                        [Describe & analyze]



El Greco

             Provide brief outline




      The Burial of Count Orgaz           [Describe & analyze]



Peter Bruegel the Elder

Outline the major issues about this remarkable Netherlandish artist.




      The Peasant Wedding                [Describe & analyze]




MANNERISM                      *     [Century]

List the main stylistic characteristics that separate art from the Mannerist period from the Renaissance.





     Put a few lines on the leading Italian Mannerist artist.




      Entombment                    [Describe & analyze]



Big project completed - ALL GUIDES ARE DONE!

If you have the guides printed, arrange all of them in one row on the desk (or on the floor) - and you will have before you the Timeline of all civilizations we have studied -  from the Prehistoric times till the 16th century.

70% of the questions on the Final will focus on the last unit.

                                                                                                       "Beauty adorns virtue"

                                                                     (Back side of ‘Ginevra de' Benci’ by Leonardo da Vinci. 1574)

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