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Global Psychology

Please select 2 (ONLY TWO) of the 3 prompts below and reply in paragraph form - (250 words)

YoU decide which 2 you want to write about. NOT ALL 3. TOTAL discussion must be 250 words long!!!

  • The Chinese abacus is a cultural invention that leads to the use of a hexadecimal numeral system (i.e., base 16, rather than the base 10 numeral system commonly used throughout the world). Therefore, the hexadecimal numeral system is a very unique cultural practice that few other cultures have. Choose the position of either a general psychologist or a cultural psychologist; then, as your chosen psychologist, generate an explanation for the capacity to use the hexadecimal numeral system. (Chapter 1)
  •  Your new job in a culturally diverse company requires you to figure out how to deal with this cultural diversity in such a way that yields the most benefits for the company. Your two options are to take the color-blind approach or the multicultural approach. Choose one, and justify your response based on the research presented in the textbook. (Chapter 1).
  • There are three explanations posited to explain how primates developed such big brains. Name the three explanations and generate a study design that tests these competing explanations. (Chapter 2).
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