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Here is the information on the Term Paper.  Please select an accident from flight, maintenance, or other aviation related activity and discuss the factors surrounding the case.  Use at least three sources, either directly or indirectly related to the topic at hand.  Another option would be to select a safety program/system or activity that has made aviation safer, and discuss the history, development, motivation for, implementation, etc..  Examples of this are:  NEXTGEN, TCAS, RADAR, GPS, or any other program that you may come up with.  Please be prepared to discuss your ideas in class.  You may use an incident that you have witnessed, experienced, and know first hand.  Your sources would then be linked to the situation, lessons learned, and do not need to be from your particular incident, but related topics.

The term paper will be 8 - 10 pages in length, typed, double spaced, 12 point font with one inch margins, APA format with a works cited page. Students will select at least three primary sources as reference material, and give a presentation at the end of the term on their chosen topic. Article reviews will be submitted for feedback prior to final paper turn-in

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