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For Nicohwilliam

This is 1 assignment, but it must  be submitted in 3 parts, so you will have to break it down as indicated because she has to post each part seperately.  So it will need to be completed as instructed below.  She will need the portion a couple days before each due date so that she can verify befor submittal.  We will keep you posted on the dates and such more specifically if you choose to accept the assignment and she is willing to pay what you would like.....  Let me know ASAP sir, thank you!!

Making Comparisons and Applications; Outlining—

Read “A Worn Path” by E. Welty (p. 1337-1343 ), “Young Goodman Brown” by N. Hawthorne (pages 1345-1355), and “This is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona” by Sherman Alexie (pages 1355-1364) from MLM.

Choose one of these to write your final essay on: #2, #3, or #4 from page 1344; or #1, #2, or #3 from page 1365, After you have chosen one of these to write your final essay on, create a good working outline for your essay.  Post your outline on the week 13 discussion forum by 11:59 PM, April 2.                                                 Assignment

Essay #3

Read “A Worn Path” by E. Welty (p. 1337-1343 ), “Young Goodman Brown” by N. Hawthorne (pages 1345-1355), and “This is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona” by ...


Week 12 (April 24-30) Discussion

Compose your final essay from the outline you prepared week 13.Post a rough draft of your essay on the week 14 discussion forum for peer editing by April 26.Take time to edit at least two of... 

Writing an Essay from an Outline; Support for Thesis, Essay Development, MLA formatting--

Compose your final essay from the outline you prepared week 11.

Post a rough draft of your essay on the week 14 discussion forum for peer editing by April 26. Take time to edit at least two of your classmates’ essays by 11:59 PM, April 29.

Revise/rewrite and submit a final copy of your essay (as a .rtf or .doc attachment) by 11:59 PM, April 30 via the link in the week 12 Assignments folder

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