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I need two slides on this bullet here is the bullet 

  • Privacy and security implications of adopting EHRs

Imagine you have been selected to participate in a prestigious internship in a health care organization working for the chief information officer (CIO). Your internship consists of a series of projects you will complete throughout this course.

Consider the following scenario:

In the first week of your internship, the CIO approaches your team and asks you to research electronic health records (EHRs). She says, "I must give a presentation at a staff meeting next week, and I'd like you to complete the research and create the slides and notes for me. The presentation must focus on EHRs, which our organization is considering implementing. Please be thorough with the speaker notes."

The CIO adds that you must consider the effect of this technology on health care as well as the privacy and security implications of adopting the EHRs. Describe the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules as well as the reasons those rules do or do not apply to this type of technology. These constraints are a major consideration for the staff when selecting new technology.

Develop an 2 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that includes the information the CIO requested in the scenario.

List major points in the slides. Include detailed explanations in the speaker notes that correlate to each point.

Include videos, audio, photos, diagrams, or graphs as appropriate.

Include at least 2 references to support your presentation.

Formatyour presentation according to APA guidelines.

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