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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Bateks in Malaysia. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Bateks in Malaysia. It needs to be at least 1500 words. Each of the groups of&nbsp.Bateks has their own way of living, their own culture to follow, their own language and even unique modes of sustenance. But, as the urban development spreads its roots, the advancements in technologies and science have pushed the boundaries of these unique lifestyles and have merged most of the culture together, desperately done by the original people in order to sustain these tremors of modern life. Yet, the Bateks are still an exception to all these changing scenarios. They have gripped onto their culture and tradition and have sustained their living through their own traditional ways. The thesis, thus taken up here focuses on exploring the culture of Batek, identifying the unique characteristics of this tribal group of people and to divulge more about their way of living and sustenance.

According to the census taken in the year 1995, there are approximately 700 to 800 people of Batek, who are currently living. With the emergence of urbanization, the numbers may have been reduced more. During the years of 1970, the Bateks lived in the Malaysian states called as Kelantan and Pahang. Their physical appearance is similar to those tribes of Africa and hence former European researchers came to a conclusion that they are remnants of those African tribes. Their tribe name came from the Austronesian speakers who settled in those regions. Their basic language for communication is the Mon-Khmer language.

The Bateks have their connections with the Hoabinhians, from 8000 BC. The Hoabinhians are basically foragers and hence foraging as a means of existence became one of the primary modes of subsistence for the Bateks. As years progressed, horticulture came into the picture during 2000 BC. Later, the Batek started to trade with outsiders and it remained as one of an important business aspect of the Bateks during the period between the 6th and 13th centuries. Slavery crept into the tribe when Malays started invading the Bateks.&nbsp.

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