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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Ebola disease. It needs to be at least 250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Ebola disease. It needs to be at least 250 words. Ebola disease Ebola disease is a primate and human disease, which is mainly caused by the Ebola viruses. These viruses results toserious and acute sickness, which is fatal if untreated. This deadly viral disease first appeared simultaneously in Yambuku area in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Nzara in Sudan. The latter occurrence was the renamed Ebola River. Ebola assumes an incubation period of two 2 to 25 days before the onset of the symptoms. The prior symptoms consist of muscle pain, fever fatigue, sore throat and headache. These are closely followed by diarrhoea, vomiting, impaired colon and kidney symptoms, rashes, both external and internal bleeding. The medical laboratory diagnosis illustrates a decrease in platelets and low white blood cells count together with an enzyme elevation (Hewlett & Hewlett, 2008).

In clinical check up, it is difficult to differentiate Ebola Viral Disease from other common infectious diseases like typhoid, meningitis, malaria and fever. There are several ways to reaffirm whether the symptoms are Ebola viral infections. Antigen capture detection tests, electron microscopy and antibody capture immonusorbent assay of enzyme linkage are some of the prime investigations for Ebola virus (Stimola, 2011). Other methods include cell culture viral isolation, reverse polymerase chain reaction assay and serum neutralization test. Maximum biological containment option is needed to conduct biological non-inactivated laboratory testing to avoid further infection.

In treatment, Ebola requires oral and intravenous fluids alongside care rehydration. Specific signs and symptoms treatment increase the chances for survival since there is no specific treatment for this killer disease now. A range of treatments like immune therapies, blood products treatments and drug therapies are in the current evaluation to reduce Ebola risks. There is also an absence of licensed vaccines for Ebola prevention, but the discovered vaccines are still under the safety for human testing (Stimola, 2011).


Hewlett, B., & Hewlett, B. (2008). Ebola, culture, and politics. Belmont, CA: Thomson Higher Education.

Stimola, A. (2011). Ebola. New York: Rosen Pub.

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