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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Watch this interview with Sherry Turkle on the Colbert Report: http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert- report-videos/371249/january-17-2011/ sh
Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Watch this interview with Sherry Turkle on the Colbert Report: http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert- report-videos/371249/january-17-2011/ sherry-turkle Then, in a few paragraphs, explain whom you agree with more and why. It needs to be at least 500 words. Journalism is collecting, dispensation and broadcasting of news and material related to the news to listeners or watchers. Journalism applies to the methods used to obtain the news and also the procedures used to publicize it. The news media is the main propagator of journalism in a modernized society. Mass media is differentiated media expertise that are projected to influence the large audience by mass communication. Communication takes place through various means of communication like the radio, film, and televisions. Information through mass media transmits through electronic means. Communication is the transmission of facts or figures through a common system of cryptograms and semiotic instructions to generate meaning. Journalism, Mass media, and communication, therefore, go hand in hand.
According to Sherry Turkle, technology is not as advantageous as the user perceive. It is only fair that we consider both the positives and negatives. Sherry Turkle’s argument brings sense and opens up the eye in light of technology and human relations. Therefore based on her reasoning, it is wise to support her.
There are several reasons behind Sherry Turkle’s findings. Going back to the history of media, the advancement of radio communication started with the wireless telegraph. Events like the Titanic and world war can, without argument, relate to the radio. During the world war, the wireless communication was taken over by the Navy. The heads also trained the Soldiers in early radio wave technologies. The commercial advertisement came up as technology improved, and was later used to finance private radio houses that developed. Despite the fact that Sherry Turkle’s findings base on modern technology, a close observation of media history would bring anyone to the same conclusion.
As technology developed, radio waves started facing competition from the television. Sherry Turkle’s observation that we expect more from technology and less from each other when talent and radio program formats moved to TV. People with their talents no longer appreciated it unless they saw themselves on the television. In the 1950s, the television became a dominant mass medium. The dominance may attribute to the people shifting their trust from themselves to the incoming technological improvement.
As technology developed to films and home videos, different movie genres developed. War movies, romance and comedies established themselves as entertainment sources. People continued sticking to the media industry as entertainment intensified. With time, this affected their thinking and started killing the interpersonal relationships.
The Modern technology of video games can undoubtedly be a major source of argument for Sherry Turkle’s observations. Despite entertainment, participants, have found video games very addictive. As it applies to the common definition, something addictive can control the human brain, thinking, and functionality.
Apart from the basic part of humanity, technology has also stolen human ethics. People download music online. People, therefore, listen to the music without paying for it. They pretend not to know that they are freely consuming another person’s salary.
Modern technology in journalism, mass media and communication has affected human beings in terms of interpersonal relationships. The Increase in communication speed has enabled messages get to the intended destination with no time. Technology has also ensured increased opportunities of communication so that there are several media to perform the same task. For example, Facebook, Twitter, phone calls and Skype enhance communication. The different methods, however, kill down the content of the communication. With time, communication loses its actual meaning, and the humans lose the humanity part to the technology.
Works Cited
Ojha, Narendra. Mass Media and Communication. Jaipur: ABD Publishers, 2010. Print.