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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Website of centre for diseases control and prevention. It needs to be at least 250 words.
Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Website of centre for diseases control and prevention. It needs to be at least 250 words. Accuracy of the resource: www.cdc.gov represents the Centre For Diseases Control And Prevention which is an online resource for accurate information about various health problems. It is a site maintained by the National Centre for Health Marketing. This website is controlled and sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Human Services of the USA.
Date updated
The webpage shown above was updated on 11th of September, 2008. This webpage has the general information about the background of the Centre. But the homepage about the prevention of various types of human ailments is updated every day. The information provided in this site is very much up to date, complete and useful for everybody.
This site is an official website of the Centre for Diseases Control and Prevention. It is not an advertisement or a commercial site promoting products. The information provided here are given to help the readers to understand the complexities that arise due to various health issues and the ways to prevent the conditions. It also provides information about the researches and studies that were carried out which is very useful to understand the ways in which a disease can be combated.
Relevance of this web site for nursing
This website is very useful for the nursing community to update their knowledge about the various ailments and the type of care that has to be given to the patients. This site will be extremely useful for nurses who want to undertake a study about a disease.
Recommendation of the web site for future reference
In total this website can be fully recommended for future reference.
What is the purpose of this Web site
CDC.gov is CDC's primary online communication channel. From August 2007-July 2008, there were 489 million page views to the site, averaging 41 million page views per month. CDC.gov provides users with credible, reliable health information on:
Data and Statistics
Diseases and Conditions
Emergencies and Disasters
Environmental Health
Healthy Living
Injury, Violence and Safety
Life Stages and Populations
Travelers' Health
Workplace Safety and Health
And more
Who is this Web site designed for
CDC.gov provides health and safety information to:
Individuals interested in health issues
Public Health Professionals
Healthcare Providers
Researchers and Scientists
Policy Makers
Students and Educators
How can I link to CDC.gov
Follow the instructions on our linking policies page and get link to us language and graphical images.
Who manages this site
CDC's National Center for Health Marketing, Coordinating Center for Health Information and Service, has been responsible for leading, managing, and improving CDC.gov.
How do I find other facts about CDC.gov
CDC has made the following documents available for more detailed information about CDC.gov:
About CDC.gov (PDF)
Web site traffic, customer satisfaction, number of email subscribers, and usability testing results
Link to Us and Graphical Images
Graphic images and text for linking to CDC.gov
Developing Usable Health Web Sites: Lessons Learned from CDC.gov (PDF)
A presentationwhich summarizes the user centered and research-based processes to improve the usefulness, usability, accessibility and effectiveness of CDC's Web site, www.cdc.gov.
Awards and Recognition
CDC.gov has been recognized by several organizations with awards.
How do I contact CDC.gov
We are continually expanding and improving this site. If you have additions or comments, please email us.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2008) About CDC.gov retrieved on 20th Sepember 20, 2008 from http://www.cdc.gov/Other/about_cdcgov.