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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Does an apparent reluctance to engage in forceful humanitarian intervention signal the end of liberal interventionism. It needs to be at least 2000

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Does an apparent reluctance to engage in forceful humanitarian intervention signal the end of liberal interventionism. It needs to be at least 2000 words.

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Every one obliged to spend their lives independently so that, they may defend their rights after becoming enable to face the significant cost of their selves. People of the world are more affluent and they will oblige to collect their resources to deafened rights beyond the borders. In acknowledgment, there are two main types of the humanitarian intervention such as the non-forcible interventions and forcible interventions. In non-forcible intervention the threats of diplomatic, economic and others are involved, on the other hand the forcible intervention means to protect the individuals rights of the own nation. The states are also involves to protect the rights of the humans to make them independent (Weiss, 2008). The ethics of humanitarian intervention: In the first part of the ethics the naturalist is the main theory, that contend to the human rights and justice and morally these are the norms of international inherent features. According to the ethical theories the individual has the right to spend his life according to their wish. If the communities will interfere in the human’s life then it is against to the ethics and law that has defined by the countries. Most of the European countries has established their nations and provided them the freedom to choose their life style and the government and other factors will not interfere in their personal life (Bellamy and Wheeler, 2008). Liberal interventionism plays an essential part in the traditional responsibilities and growth of the country. The liberal interventionism maintains the traditional values of a country and makes new development projects for the residents to increase their life facilities. In addition to that the planners care about the social and traditional values of the country and maintain the social values as well. It increases the awareness in the common people to know the effective strategies and make efficient decisions for their betterment. Liberal interventionism increase the understanding level, as it encourage the people to communicate with each other and this result in good understands and the planner can make plans according to the requirements of the people without forcing them on the things. This also makes the people loyal and satisfied with the liberal interventionism party. Through liberal interventionism the people also know the desires and needs of each other and help accordingly to maintain good relationship with each other (Cook, 2000). Humanitarian Intervention in World Politics The international societies were built on the principles on non-intervention, sovereignty, non-use of forces. most of the countries were breaking these principles through interfering in the other countries rules and principles. Terrorism has increased these activities as the United States has announced to perform a force war in the Afghanistan and other countries for removal of the terrorism. But on the other hand the US is breaking the laws and rules through interfere in the situation of other countries (Weiss, 2007). The intervention by armed humanitarian was not a practice of legitimate throughout the cold war. states positioned more value on dominion and order than on the enforcement of human constitutional rights. There was an important transfer of approach throughout the 1990s, in particular in the middle of open-minded self-governing conditions that show the method in urgent original compassionate maintain surrounded by intercontinental civilization.

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