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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Ignorance in Harrison Bergeron, The Lottery, and The Yellow Wallpaper. It needs to be at least 1250 words.Download file to see previous pages... Th

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Ignorance in Harrison Bergeron, The Lottery, and The Yellow Wallpaper. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

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This research will begin with the statement that in every short story, the author attempts to give all of his or her characters a personality.&nbsp. Sometimes, this personality is fully developed and results in a round character, but sometimes, this personality is minimally developed and results in a flat character. “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, “The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut all contain characters of varying degrees of development.&nbsp. Though each author creates his or her own characters with their own personalities, one character trait that the characters of Mr. Summers in “The Lottery,” John in “The Yellow Wallpaper,” and Hazel Bergeron in “Harrison Bergeron” share is ignorance. In “The Lottery,” Mr. Summers portrays ignorance as leader of the lottery ritual.&nbsp. His ignorance is an integral part of his personality and the plot of the story.&nbsp. Throughout the tale, Mr. Summers controls every aspect of the lottery that leads to the stoning of Tessie Hutchinson.&nbsp. He controls the black box from which the villagers draw, he commands the assembly gathered for the lottery, and he clarifies the rules of the ritual.&nbsp. However, Mr. Summers is ignorant of any reason for the lottery.&nbsp. He is able to make changes to the process by “having slips of paper substituted for the chips of wood that had been used for generations . . . because so much of the ritual had been forgotten or discarded”.&nbsp....

If Mr. Summers has been capable of changing the wooden chips into slips of paper, he is likely able to change what happens when someone is selected in the lottery. However, his willful ignorance about the ritual allows for the death of Tessie. There are suggestions within the story to indicate that the stoning is a ritual to insure crops for the next year or for some other purpose, but it is ultimately the ignorance of everyone involved that makes the death at the end so shocking. The ignorance of John in “The Yellow Wallpaper” is not essential to the plot structure of the story as it is with Mr. Summers in “The Lottery,” but it is essential for the development of the theme. As the husband to the narrator of “The Yellow Wallpaper,” John is ignorant of his wife’s life. He is a physician, but as his wife notes, “perhaps that is the reason I do not get well faster” (Gilman 171). In order to treat his wife’s mental illness, he removes her from her children and friends. This isolation is what eventually drives her deeper into her illness. John is not a complete villain in the story. He wants what is best for his wife, but he is ignorant of the needs of his wife. His ignorance is harmful to her because of the toll it takes upon her mentally. If John was more insightful about his wife’s condition, she likely would not have descended so deeply into her sickness. Also, John is unable to understand why his wife needs to write. The entire story is a journal that his wife keeps without his knowledge. The ending of the story proves his ignorance of his wife’s need to write. She completes her journal and describes crawling over John as she follows the pattern in the wallpaper.

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