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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. It needs to be at least 1000 words.Download file to see previous pages... Further arguments arose that

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. It needs to be at least 1000 words.

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Further arguments arose that claimed that the characteristics of a threat caused more effects. It is from this basis that the study was carried out in order to determine how human behaved in order to protect their social self. The framework that was used was to introduce an activity that could act as a social threat in this case the act being ballroom competition. A goal is set in order to increase the threat which would enhance the production of the HPA Axis (Rohleder et al, 2007). The major research question of the study was whether ballroom competition could be a real-life task that would act as a stimulus to the production of the HPA Axis. Another question was to find out particular parameters of stressor that would strongly predict cortisol response. The study comprises of several hypotheses some of which include. the competitive nature of ballroom dancing would act as a real-life stimulus towards the activation of the HPA Axis and that cortisol elevation was due to physical strain of the participants. It is from these hypotheses that the study sought to find whether physical strain and self-evaluation were important in cortisol secretion. Methods The research comprised of five studies that had different participants. The first study had 44 participants 22 of them being men while others were women both being amateurs in the competition. They were aged between 17 to 62 years. According to Rohleder et al. (2007)the second study had 16 dancers with equal number of men and women that ranged between 21-55 years. The third study equally had 16 dancers with equal number of male and female. The fourth study comprised of 15 dancers from Nordrein Germany aged 22- 42 years while the fifth and the final study comprised of 17 modern dancers 9 of them being women and 8 being men. A control group of 20 university students was also used. The study used salivettes, refrigerator, electronic drug exposure monitor and a PowerView software program in order to reveal the actual sampling time. It also used cortisol and psychological measures in order to understand the mental status of the participants and how it contributed to the secretion of cortisol. In collecting data, saliva sample were obtained and refrigerated in particular sessions depending on the type of study that was under observation. Findings In performing the analyses, Greenhouse Geisser Correction was used to give the significance of the test. The major findings of the study were that the levels of cortisol were higher on a competition day as compared to those that were obtained on the control day. It was also found out that the patterns of cortisol increased over time on the competition day but decreased overtime on the control day. Another finding was that the cortisol levels were higher at the beginning of the competition as compared to the middle or the end of it. The responses however did not change across repeated competition. It was also found that individual dancers had higher cortisol secretion as compared to group dancers and the cortisol levels were found to increase and fell overtime. Discussion From the results of the study, it is clear that some hypotheses got support while others did not.

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