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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on The Impact of ICT on Economic Growth: A Review. It needs to be at least 1000 words.This paper seeks to establish the effects that ICT has on the li

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on The Impact of ICT on Economic Growth: A Review. It needs to be at least 1000 words.

This paper seeks to establish the effects that ICT has on the lives of people in developing nations and whether they are favorable or unfavorable. Over the recent years, improved technology has widely been celebrated and impacts on economic levels felt. Economic changes attributable to factors such as adoption of alternative methods of production, growing incomes, employment opportunities, growth in GDPs, improved standards of living have been entirely witnessed. There is a need therefore, to establish a link between ICT and economic development and explain why. It’s prudent to assess the dependability and compatibility of economic improvement to information communication technology. Economic development is on a wider scale beyond the economic growth that looks at income levels and individuals’ jobs. It focuses on general well-being, attainment of economic goals and general improvement in economic activities within the community. The paper seeks to explain the interdependence of ICT and economic development, impacts on socio-economic life, the role of ICT in poverty alleviation in the developing world, distribution of resources, impacts on political and social institutional modernization and other revolutionary changes in the individuals’ well-being in the community.

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