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Unit 1 Forum: The • LGBTQ Present 1. How do you respond to these (primarily) younger writers/Igbt individuals who hold views that might seem to go against those of the "mainstream" LGBTQ community? Ho
Unit 1 Forum: The
• LGBTQ Present
1. How do you respond to these (primarily) younger writers/Igbt individuals who hold views that might seem to go against those of the "mainstream" LGBTQ community? How do these works suggest that younger generations view gender and sexual identity in today's world, and how is that similar to or different from your understanding of the LGBTQ community?
Do you think we are in a "post-homo" world today, and if so, what might that mean, especially given recent political events (e.g., like those mentioned in the opinion piece about the Supreme Court ruling in favor of the Colorado baker)?
- Based on what you read and on what you have seen in our contemporary culture, what are the arguments for and against gay marriage? Do the arguments against gay marriage make sense? Are they really against gay marriage or are they opposed to the political emphasis on gay marriage at the expense of other issues?
- Do the arguments about LGBTQ culture, especially gay culture, being toxic seem viable? Do you think there is an LGBTQ community and if so, are all the identities signified by those letters treated equally?
- Present 2-3 questions or comments about the readings for this unit.
Criterion 1: Fulfills all requirements of the topic (as indicated in the syllabus)
Criterion 2: Addresses all assigned readings/authors for unit at least once. (units with many poems do not require that you discuss each poem, but do require that you discuss a work by each poet. For stories, you should discuss a work by each author).
Criterion 3: Uses passages of assigned texts as evidence. Passages must be in quotation marks and documented with a parenthetical reference indicating the page number from the assigned text.