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**** chek *** document * have ********* support and you wil ******* the **** ******** **** solved ********* ** it is *** attaching GENETICS PROBLEMS NameProfessors NameCourseDate GENETICS *********** ** ****** *** ** ** ********* metabolic disease ***** ** ********* leads ** ***** ** ***** the age ** six It ** ********* as a ********* ***** **** is *** probability that *** ************ ******* **** have ** * *** ****** ** a ************ ****** ** * ********** ******* child? ***************** is ************* as * ***** **** ** ********* ********* naturally *** child’s probability ** ******* ******** ** the quality ** **** when *** parents are ********* ** ******* **** ** *** be ********* *** ** ** ** ******* ***** and a ****** *** the ***** ** ** *** *** ******** genes *** *********** ** ** **** ******** ** ** *** progeny **** ** ** the **** ** ** ** and ** **** ** Aa ******** * ********** ** *** *********** of * phenylketonuria ***** ** *** as only *** *** ** *** **** ******** ********* * ********* ***** but ** ******** the expression of phenylketonuria recure *** trait to ** ********** ************* ** the *********** of * ************ ***** is ** ******* two ** *** **** ******** have *** ********** ** *** trait as * ********* ***** ***** phenotype **** ** ****** *** ** the **** ********** **** will ** ******** ** the ********* ** the *********** of * homozygous child who ** ******* **** ** *** ** *** genotype ** *** child **** ** normal with ** ***** (AA) 2 ********** ******** *** inherited ** * ******** trait; ******** ******** * ********* ***** Suppose * ********** man **** ********** ******** ******* * ********** ***** who has ******** ******** ** What **** of ******** **** their ******** ***** ** If ***** ******** ***** someone with the **** genotype as ********** **** all ** ***** ******** have attached lobes? ******* **** ****** Let ********** ******* be *********** ** * *** *** attached earlobe *********** ** * *** ** *********************** a: the **** ** ******* ***** ******** **** have been that *** ***** ******** **** ** ************** ** ** *** ******** *** up ******** ******* with *** same genotype *** *** ** ***** ******** **** ** unattached ** a *** *********** **** ** ************ ** the ********* ratio will ** 1:2:1 ***** ******** and the ********** ***** of ********** ** attached **** be ****** ** ********* ****** * *** ****** ******* with * ***** ****** gives *** roan in *** ** ********** **** *** ********* *** ********** ***** **** will ****** **** ******** **** offspring ** *** ** generationFollowing * *** ***** with white *** ***** the ** will be **** RW the ********** ** f1 will give *** red two Roan and one ******* ********** *** ** ********** **** and ** **** ********* whiteRW * ****************** ** *** ********* ratio is 1:2:1 ****** ** ********** ********* **** (IRR: *************** this *********** *** ********* * *** * ** horses * ***** **** *** is dominant to * brown **** (b) *** being * ******* *** is ******** ** ***** * ***** *** 4 A black pacer ** ******* **** * ***** trotter *** ********* ** * ***** ***** **** the genotype ** all ** ***** horsesGenotypes *** the ****** Bbtt ************************************ ********** ***** ************ ********** ***** ********** represents ***** ********* ********** ***** pacer Scenario *********** ***** ***** to ***** tutorThe ***** *** be ***************************************** A black ***** ***** ** * brown ******* ******** * ***** ******* ********* **** all ******** ********* *** this ***************** genotypes ***** *** be **** ** ******************* ** * ********* ***** **** ** * *** *** mother’s ***** **** ** O **** ***** ***** ***** *** ****** ***** **** are the ******** ********* of *** father?Mothers ******** ** ********* ******** phenotype and ******** *** **************** ********* O ******** **** ** ************* ********* ** the father ** *** ****** has ***** ***** * **** ** ** ** ******* AA iiIAIAIAIAIAiIAiTherefore *** child *** ** have I **** *** ****** and * from *** dad ***** *** dada ***** be ******* father could **** ** ***************************** *** **** could also be ** ** ***** is ************* *** ****** ***** also ** ******************** ***** ****** ********* AO AA and ** ***** ** ********* A and * *** *** possible for *** ********* **** *** ***** *** *** ***** *** **** ***** *** **** *** ** *** **** hospital *** ***** took **** a **** girl **** she ****** Shirley Mrs ***** **** home * **** girl ***** **** *** ***** ***** ** ******* ******* **** *** ***** *** *** ***** baby *** been ************ ******** ** *** nursery ***** tests were made ** Smith ** **** A *** Smith is Type * ** ***** ** **** * Mrs ***** ** Type A ******* ** **** * *** Jane is Type B *** a ****** ******** ** ** it impossible ** **** **** the ***** ************ ***** blood type *** ** Smith is * *** *** blood **** for *** ***** ** B ***** *** ***** type *** Shirley ** **** ***** **** *** ** ***** ** * ***** *** blood **** for Mrs ***** ** A and the ***** type *** Jane is ***** * mix-up occurred ***** ********* **** ** ***** *** ** and ** ***** *** ** *** ***** *** ** while jane *** ** *** at *** same time ******** has ****** If * man ** ******** ** ******* * ***** ** genotype AB **** ******** ***** ***** ***** ***** children ***** ***************************** possible genotypes ** *** ******** **** be ** AO ******* * ***** ****** pig ***** ******* were black ** ******* **** * black guinea pig ***** male ****** *** ***** *** whose ****** ****** was ***** *** white offspring result ********* the genotypes ** all individuals ********* About ***** ********** ** ***** **** ******* ********** ****** ********** ************** will be ******* ** ********************** product **** ******* *** ***** * ******* for ***** ***** *** *** white ************* ******** *********** as ** ***** *** bw :ww: ww ***** is ************* ************ ***** guinea **** **** mated to homozygous ********* ***** guinea pigs ******* the genotypic and ********** ratios expected from crossing *** F1 progeny *** a) the ***** ****** *** b) *** ***** parent ************** black *** ************ ********* ***** **** ********************** ** *** ********* ratio *** *** black ****** will ** 05 ** ***** *** ********** ***** ** ******** ** ***** **** ***** ** ******* ****** 2:4)Part ** *** ********* ***** ** ***** ********** parent ** 05 as ** to ***** ********** ****** ****** ********** In ****** freckles ** dominant **** ** ******** * man with ******** ** ******* ** * ***** with ******** *** *** ******** **** no ******** **** ****** *** each ***** **** *** ********* ***** ******* ** having ******** *** *** ******* *** *** parents produced Ff ** ** and ** ********* ** * ****** of ****** ******* of *** progeny from *** **** ******* ******* *** chance ** ***** **** ********** *** ******* **** *** ****** **** ********** ********** ***** (this ***** they *** ******** *** *** ******** marry *** **** ** have ******** *** are ********* ***** **** ****** ****** **** anemia **** is *** *********** of ****** cell anemia in ***** children? **** ********** ** ***** ******** ***** you ****** to ** ********************** HbSA-carrier *********** ************************************ Children to be ******** **** be ** *** ******** ** have ****** ****** is **** ** * ****** **** *** ****** ************** recessive) ***** (they *** a ******** ******* * ****** with ****** ********** **** ** *** *********** **** will **** * ***** with ****** **** ******* What proportion ** their ******** ***** you ****** ** ** carriers? *************************************** ** * *** ****** ** ******** getting ****** cell ** ****** of children **** ** carriers 14 ** * ****** *** *** ***** and *** ********* * third ***** **** is *** ****** ** **** ** * ****** *** probability will ****** to ** *** because the chances ** ****** a *** ** a **** ****** ********* *** ***** Hemophilia ** an *********** in the ***** ******** mechanism **** is ******** ********* ***** ***** **** ** is on the * chromosome *** it **** ***** *** *** ******* ** you **** **** the recessive ********* ** * ******* female ******* * ****** **** **** ** the *********** her **** **** **** the ******** ** it possible *** *** ********* ** be *********** ** it possible for *** ********* ** ** ********* *********************** *** sons **** **** a *** *********** ** being ********** ********* the *** **** be ******** because *** * carriers *** traitsb) No *** ******** **** ** * ******* ***** *** hemophiliac) *** because *** ****** will ******** the genes ** ******** to *** daughter 16 Short **** is *** ** * ******** **** *** ** ******* and **** hair ** *** ********* ****** (s) * cross ******* * *********** ****** and * *********** **** produced * ****** ** *** *********** and ***** short-haired bunnies ** **** *** *** ********* of *** ******** ** What phenotypic ***** *** ******** ** *** offspring *********** ** *** **** ** *** ***** ******* **** ******** ** ** ************ ** ** ******** * ss (male)b) ***** is ***** * of *** ********* *** expected ** **** ************* * dominant **** *** ******** *********** ******* ** dogs; *** recessive ****** (h) ******** ****** hair Two ************ *********** *********** **** ******* *** ***** F1 ******* *********** ********* *** ******** genotypic *** phenotypic ratios among the ********* ******* Note: in * ********* ** ********** **** ** ******* ******** is ******* **** * homozygous recessive individualTest ***** of ** **** ************************* ***** *** *** phenotype ***** ******* *** **** of ************ in ****** ****** ******** ** the ****** of a recessive **** *** ****** ************ ** *** result ** *** ******** ****** **** ** an autosomal ***** *** normal ******* **** ** ****** child ********* *** *********** that *** **** ***** **** ** *********************** probability **** ** **** *** chances ** *** ****** ******* a child *** is ****** ** ** ******* *** ***** is ********* ***** ********* ** ** ******** ********* ***** * *** **** ****** ***** vision marries a color-blind ***** **** ********** ** their ** children *** ******** ** ** ************ b) **** are ******** ** ** color-blind? c) ********* are expected ** be ********************************** *** proportion **** be 50% ************ 100% ** **** *** ******** ** ** ***** ******* ***** ******** will ** a ********** carrier 20 ***** ********* ** ** ******** ********* ***** A ***** **** ****** ***** vision ***** father *** *********** marries a *** **** ****** ****** **** proportion ** ***** ** **** is ******** ** be ************ b) ********* will ** ************ ** daughters **** be carriers *** **************** ***************************** *** ** **** *** ******** ** ** colorblindb) 50% ** daughters **** be ************ *** ******** **** **** * normal ***********