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Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on aeroplane travel Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on aeroplane travel Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The author explains how the aeroplane fits into the world economy and how it helped to advance the activities of conducting business on a global scale. This author describes technology that is created due to the demands of a global society, rather than out of curiosity and achievement. He explains that the development of the aeroplane was necessary, not an optional means, that could be used to expand the global marketplace. He also discusses the political relevance of the aeroplane to society and its view that this new machine could finally end wars and promote world peace. Unfortunately, many citizens did not consider that more than one nation would develop its own version of the technology.

The author of this piece feels strong that the VC10 aeroplane should hold a place of honor in British history. Having been used by the Royal Air Force, Edwards believes this aeroplane is one of Britain’s greatest sources of pride. Edwards discusses the patriotism that is felt when the squadron of aircraft is seen either in person or through the media, flying the British flag with the Queen on board. The many challenges in building this aircraft are described in detail. The author describes the effects this aircraft has had on the British economy briefly and why this aeroplane was and is so important to the Royal Air Force. The piece further discusses the mechanical and technical aspects of this machine and why it is so unique.

injustices and class distinctions that technology such as the aeroplane have helped to bring about, whether intentional or unintentional and how such technologies served to further create gaps between genders, socio-economic groups and race. The cost of flying for the average citizen is discussed, in terms of who can and cannot afford to use this mode of transportation, and how it

faster travel was being developed, shortly after the turn of the 19th century. He uses the term ‘accelerated’ to describe how the pace of&nbsp.cultures began to change with such new forms of transportation and the automobile and the aeroplane.

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