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Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on public and private families Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on public and private families Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The solution that the educator that I interviewed presented was simply the desire of the parents to take some time off their careers in order to stay longer at home and monitor the development of their children. It is not always good to depend on the nannies and tutors to preside over the learning of their children. The parents have to be committed to regularly be there when their children need them.

The counselor that I interviewed mentioned that there are three fundamental procedures of decision-making in the present-day families: the top-down method, the democratic method, and the subculture method. Top-down or implemented decision-making normally happens in the family structure of disoriented families, because the heads of these families do not know that it normally leads in bad developments that are hard to manage, even though they may be effortless to tell to the members of the family (Napier 5). In short, they do not know that top-down methods may lead to force compliance from the children for instance, but in reality, they do not totally agree to it. As a solution to this problem, the counselor suggested that families implement the deliberate methods to decision-making which are hard and eat up a lot of time, but the dedication and trust in the development will be more effective than an altered family setting which decreases outputs and results.

C. The opinion of the Social Worker

The social worker that I interviewed mentioned that the majority of the failed activities of families at present rely tremendously on the lack of interpersonal interaction and relationships among the family members. Bounded with a distorted objective, the control of developments at families is not always coordinated with the family members that will benefit or will immediately feel the impacts. Discussing the objective of development at families nowadays is not always important (Cherlin 6).

As a solution to this problem, the social worker recommended that families should start to realize that interaction is the highly recommended way that families must always use. If the family members can effectively communicate with each other, obtaining the trust of each other and managing a smooth relationship will always be easy to do, and this leads to a smooth flow of family functions.

Personal Notes

I believe that family is the most important treasure in the world. While it is true that families cannot be perfect all the time, the family members must always have the initiative to help each other grow and become united as one. Of course, the parents have to be role models in order for the children to follow. If the family stays together as one cohesive unit all then time, then problems no matter how they maybe can be easily deflected and the family will be strong and firm with their support for each other.

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