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Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on why i desire to become a nurse practitioner Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on why i desire to become a nurse practitioner Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Every career is equally challenging, every career is demanding but what makes the difference in nursing is that you make a difference in someone else’s life. I have always had a dream of being a nurse since I was a little girl. I belong to a family where most of my people are into nursing. I have grown up seeing them in this profession and it feels as if I too eat, breathe, and sleep nursing. Having fulfilled my dream as a nurse, I now aspire to become a nurse practitioner in the near future.

The nursing career has a wide variety of choices available to suit different mindsets, interest and personal skills (Kentucky). It also has plenty of oppurtunities today for specialization and career advancements. Nursing requires life-long learning as new challenges confront the medical profession everyday. Hence, I am committed to go in for advanced education and training in the diagnosis and management of common medical conditions including chronic illnesses. I would thus be able to provide a broad range of service as do physicians. I feel committed to it and I would maintain close working relations with the physicians.

Nursing involves working with people and I have always been good at it. I love interacting with people. Besides, I have compassion for people and I feel overwhelmed when patients are unable to pay the medical bills. I love holistic healing and would encourage the patients to draw upon their inner strength. I would them motivate to learn to heal themselves. As a Nurse Practitioner (NP) I would be able to suggest less expensive treatment and inform them about health care. Perhaps I owe these qualities to my mom, because it seems to run in the family. I know being a NP requires individualized care. Prevention, wellness, and patient education have to be top priorities. Experiences, frustrations and contentment, which I can clearly see on my mom and brother’s face, urge me to move ahead in the profession.

Each day comes with a new challenge and requires the skills for strong decision-making (SMC). There are ongoing changes in nursing and the healthcare system. It is demanding on the family life too but in nursing one never gets bored. It is a respectable and a noble profession too despite long hours, emotional load and the health care risks. As a NP I would require tremendous amount of patience, listening skills, I would have to do a lot of counseling, diagnosing and treating acute illnesses. As a NP I would have to deal with the patient’s family and even suggest lifestyle and environment changes. In nutshell, I would love to treat a person holistically. Working at a Community Health Centre, I realize the hardships that patients and their family face. With a holistic approach to health care, I am confident of making a difference to the society, the patients, and their families.

While I draw inspiration from my relatives in the profession and especially from my mom, I also feel inspired by the old Army recruiting slogan, which aptly describes the nursing profession - "The hardest job youll ever love". (Dordick, 2002). Yes, this profession is full of difficult challenges but the rewards are far more than just a good salary. I truly eat, breathe, sleep nursing, and am confident of pursuing and making my dream to be a nurse practitioner a reality.

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