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Hi, I need help with essay on Case study about Urology. Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Download file to see previous pages This paper will discuss the condition of BPH
Hi, I need help with essay on Case study about Urology. Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!
Download file to see previous pagesThis paper will discuss the condition of BPH and the resulting TURP as well as what these diagnosis and treatment mean to the patient.
The impact of any problem with micturation is difficult for most of us but is particularly difficult for men. It affects their quality of life. They often have concern over increased voiding frequency bringing problems such as seep deprivation, psychological embarrassment, and the need to be absent from social occasions. (Jakobsson, 2004). Men often say that they have symptoms such as incontenence and dribbling as well as stress incontinence which cause them a great deal of distress and depression.
Many male patients go for long periods of time with the above symptoms without telling anyone because of the embarrassment they feel. (Gilchrist, 2007). It is an increasingly common disease as the number of men that go over the age of 50 increases. Many patients hear from their friends that their symptoms may be prostate cancer and for some that drives them to see a physician but for others, it means denial and attempting not to see a physician. Getting up in the middle of the night frequently will finally send a patient to the physician.
By the age of 50, 50% of all men will have BPH in the United States. This is a noncancerous proliferation of the prostate gland tissue. It often swells to the point that it begins to cause problems with normal urination. This happens slowly over a long period of time, on the average, and men learn to live with the symptoms until they become much worse (Gilchrist, 2007). Improved patient outcome, of course, comes with early detection which under the circumstances, we do not often see.
Prostate surgery is the second most common surgical intervention in men older than age 60. As they get older, the likelihood of having this surgery gets greater. Statistical values show that having BPH does not seem to increase the possibility of prostate cancer. The prostate which is a chestnut shaped part of the mans reproductive system lies between the bladder and rectum remain small until puberty (Kring, 2003). At that time the male hormone DHT is released and the prostate grows. It is normally double in size in the adult male. It grows again when the adult male hits about the age of 25. Men produce both testosterone and estrogen. The theory is that as men get older and testosterone decreases, estrogen increases and the rise in estrogen prompts the prostate to grow again. No one is really sure why it happens though.
If a man is having at least a yearly check up chances are even a silent case will be caught by a digital rectal exam but if not then it is usually caught only when it becomes symptomatic. A urinalysis and PSA should be done when he arrives for his exam. A urinary flow study can be done as well as a rectal ultrasound, cystoscopy, or intravenous pyelogram. Keeping a voiding diary when there is suspect of having BPH helps.
The bladder outlet obstruction of BPH has two components: a dynamic component related to the tension of prostatic smooth muscle in the prostate, prostate capsule and bladder neck, and a fixed component related to the bulk of the enlarge prostate impinging upon the urethra (Cunningham, 2009). Two classes of drugs work on both of these components. Those are alpha-adrenergic antagonists and 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors.