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Hi, I need help with essay on Father and Son Relationships. Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Download file to see previous pages... Psychologists argue that a good coach

Hi, I need help with essay on Father and Son Relationships. Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

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Psychologists argue that a good coach introduces specific skills at certain period, for example they say an athlete boy’s skill windows reside between the age of nine to twelve (9-12) because it is during this time that the boy’s body is developing the required enzymes and hormones. It is argued that if speed is not trained at this appropriate skills window then the child will never be in position to run as fast as they could as they grow to adulthood (Thompson 34). Basing on this argument, it is clear that for boys to learn their male roles, get role models and grow up to adulthood without social troubles, then they require closer mentorship from their father, coaches and teachers. According to Dr. David Popenoe, who is a sociologist, the involvement of father to bring up a boy child bring positive benefit to the child that no other person is as likely to convey. In this respect we cannot underestimate the father role in child outcomes, including cognitive ability, social behaviour, psychological well-being and achievement in education. Young boys who have a caring father have better educational outcome, psychologists argue that such boys have higher IQs with good linguistic and cognitive capacities (Popenoe 56). Boys brought up by involved fathers at most begin going to school with better level of academic readiness and are said to be more patient with abilities to handle stress and frustration connected to schooling more readily as compared to those children with less involved fathers or coaches ( Pruett 41). According to (Goldstine 19), this father’s influence in academic achievement is carried by the boys into adolescence and young adulthood, hence making them take up male roles and avoid some troubles like drug abuse and unnecessary sexual activities. The young boys whose fathers is involving are better placed to be emotionally secure, always confident to explore their surroundings and in that process they grow older having good social links with peers. The probability of such boys getting into trouble at home, school or in the neighbourhood is minimal. (Lamb 42) Such boys are more sociable and popular among others. The coaches, teachers and at most father’s day to day interaction with young boys learn how to regulate their feelings and behaviour, they can study how to deal with their aggressive impulses and physical contact devoid of losing control of their emotion (Parke 109). Independence is an important virtue to any man. However, most men lack it and that is why they are always in trouble with their peers, teachers, employees among others. It is important to argue that since fathers often push for achievement, a child brought up with full involvement of a father coaches or teacher will grow up more comfortable as he explore the world around him and more likely to exhibit self- control and pro-social conduct hence independence. Most adult men in the world today are dying of depression. this has a direct link to father-child relationship.

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