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Hi, I need help with essay on Infant Mortality. Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Download file to see previous pages... The major reason why there is a big difference in

Hi, I need help with essay on Infant Mortality. Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

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The major reason why there is a big difference in infant mortality between developed and the developing countries is literacy levels and the impact of technological advancement. The regions that have embraced technological advancement have fewer deaths. The health of the mother and their eating habits also play an important role in the survival of the new born. For instance, mothers who smoke are most likely to deliver unhealthy or under developed child with an increased possibility of dying before the first birthday. According to statistical data, the developing countries or the poor countries have the highest levels of infant mortality. Moreover, politically unstable regions also have high levels of infant mortality mostly caused by the ongoing conflicts. In the same way that the rates of infant deaths differ in different countries, the reasons behind these deaths also differ. This implies that the major cause of infant mortality in US might not the leading one in Africa or another region. Evaluation of infant mortality rates has several benefits that include being the most accurate and sensitive measure of societal health. The lesser the deaths are the healthier he society is. Infant mortality rate in U.S Reliable statistical evidence has been collected concerning the progress of U.S in reducing infant mortality rate. ...

With respect to individual communities, the minority communities experience more infant deaths than the white population. Black infants not belonging to the Hispanic community die at a rate that is twice that of non-Hispanic white infants. Geographically, the states experiencing the highest number of infant mortality are situated to the south. According to statistics, there has been a slight improvement in infant mortality rates with regard to reduction. This is attributed to reduction in deaths related to low birth weight. An infant delivered in 1950 with a birth weight of less than 1,000 grams had a 10% to 15% chance of survival. In contrast, an infant delivered in 2008 with similar birth weight had a survival chance of more than 60% (Nathanson, 2007). In spite of the improvement, U.S is still ranked among the poor countries with regard to infant mortality rate. This is in comparison to countries that include Iceland, japan, and Finland with 2.2, 2.3 and, 2.3 per 1,000 respectively. The reason why the rate of infant mortality rate in U.S remain higher as compared to other European countries is the high number of preterm births. Statistics rank the U.S 130 in 184 countries with high number of premature births (Chandrasekhar, 2013). This is 12% of the overall births in U.S. Most of the infants in this category are between 34 and 36 weeks. There are opportunities that can be exploited to reduce the preterm deaths that include addressing prenatal smoking, SIDS, and preterm deliveries. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment ranks Kansas as having 6.3 deaths per 1,000 in 2012. This rate has been decreasing since early 2000s.

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