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Hi, I need help with essay on Jack Kerouacs novel On the Road. Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!This essay discusses that in a foreign land they were deemed decent becaus

Hi, I need help with essay on Jack Kerouacs novel On the Road. Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

This essay discusses that in a foreign land they were deemed decent because of their being American but in their own country, they feel aggravated by the imposition of authority. The exchange rate translated to their elevated level in society that even for just an ephemeral moment they had everything at their fingertips even whores at $3. These scenes of false wealth to escape reality were reoccurring in On the Road. When they got hold of a Cadillac limousine through the travel bureau, Dean could not get over his excitement but Sal was the one who took it as his responsibility. Dean used the car to pick up women and when they visited Ed Wall, he wanted the latter to believe that Sal is rich and owns the car.

The characters they met on the road were well represented by their automobiles. Kerouac was specific in identifying the cars that he mentions in the novel. The blond farmer brothers had a truck with a flat board, Terry’s brother Rickey had a ‘38 Chevy, Old Bull Lee had a Texas Chevy, and Marylou took off in another man’s Cadillac. The cars had also become descriptive of their owners and how they play in the storyline. Even Dean had gotten himself a car which he bought from his savings. Sal never found the necessity of purchasing a vehicle. This shows the road mentality of the eagerness to own an automobile through Dean. But in the end, it was also the same image that Sal saw to cap his turbulent friendship with Dean. “Locomotives smoked and reeled above him. His shadow followed him, it aped his walk and thoughts and very being”.

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