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Hi, I need help with essay on Marketing Approach. Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!It has achieved the desired loyalty for its brands in the market. In order to achieve p

Hi, I need help with essay on Marketing Approach. Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

It has achieved the desired loyalty for its brands in the market. In order to achieve product differentiation, it employs several methods including. branding, advertising, attractive packaging and promotion.

The Company makes use of branding to give its products names and appearance which are unique. The Cola products have branded names for example Coca-Cola, Coke, New Coke, C2, C2 Cola, Coke Zero and Simple C2 which gives the consumers a variety of products to choose from. This has made consumers to have brand loyalty compared to other brands from competing companies. In any circumstances, Coca-Cola products can be identified easily through the unique trademark. This trade mark protects the products from being sold to consumers illegally. The trademark has also made product marketing easier since it is uniquely simple for customers to remember than most brands of the same nature from other companies.

Advertising is also another method that the company uses uniquely to constantly inform the customers about the importance of purchasing the products. Through advertisement, the company informs customers of the unique characteristics of its products such as improved quality, reduced prices e. t. c. It uses creative slogans to impress the consumers, encourage and instill confidence in them in regard to the products. These slogans include. "Things Go Better with Coke", "Stop here for a Coke", "The favorite drink for ladies when thirsty, weary, and despondent" and others like "Quench your thirst with Coke". Television and radio advertisements have been in use for a long time. They are uniquely presented in order to enhance remembrance in the consumers. Advertisement campaigns have also been held world wide especially the one which strikingly targeted for the youth dubbed "Things Go Better with Coke" and "I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke" involving some popular musicians who modified songs for the name Coke to feature in them. These were largely used in radio and television commercials and were largely successful.

Attractive packaging is another unique feature of the company's products. It uses an array of bright colors which are distinctive and attractive to the customers. This makes the company's products to be easily recognized by consumers especially when arranged on the shelves of supermarkets or in a fringe. At the same time, the retailers are usually supplied with refrigerators for packing Coca-Cola products. This was one of the unique features which created a notable difference between these products and those of other companies especially where the demand for cold drinks is usually high. Few of the competing companies had such creativity until recently. The crates and the vehicles used to transport the products have a characteristic red color with a sign of Coca-cola prominently appearing on part of the outer surface. More over, there are retail containers which are usually positioned at strategic positions where demand for refreshment is high. These containers are usually painted in the unique color. Recently, the company has developed huge retail container

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