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Hi, I need help with essay on Peter Matthiessen. Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!(Commire, pp. 27-28) Other than fiction, he has proved to be a master with his nonfiction

Hi, I need help with essay on Peter Matthiessen. Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

(Commire, pp. 27-28) Other than fiction, he has proved to be a master with his nonfiction writings. For instance, the 1975 shootout of FBI and Native Americans were examined in the year 1983 by Matthiessen in his book, In the Spirit of Crazy Horse. (McKay, pp. 28-30)

However, Peter Matthiessen acquired a more natural place for himself in midst of other novelists through his travel writing that renounced him as a complete advocate of natural world. (Bonetti, pp. 35-37) In the year 1978, endangered creatures and spiritual development was lyrically analyzed by him through his book, In the Snow Leopard that provided him with the National Book Award. (Howard, pp. 56-58) In the year 1991, his African Silences explained his trekking experiences in African and Antarctica regions, which was followed by his another book, End of the Earth in the year 2003 that recounted the same experiences. In addition, the protection of majestic cranes and ecosystem of the earth was encouraged by his book, the Birds of Heaven in the year 2001. Until now, the paper has briefly discussed some of his renowned books that have recognized him as a living legend. (Kibler, pp. 92-93) Peter Matthiessen has also completed documentaries on different films, one of which is Blue Water, White Death that was a film related to the natural world, one of his favorite themes. (Nicholas, pp. 17-18) One of the major characteristics of Peter Matthiessen is his scrupulous and thorough approach to the topics that are considered during his writings. American Indian issues and natural history are some of his frequently focused topics since fifty years. Now, the paper will discuss his personal life and career, which will be followed by a brief conclusion.

On May 22, 1927, an American naturalist and living legend was born in New York City that was named Peter Matthiessen by his parents. Peter Matthiessen is credited for more than twenty non-fictional and fictional books, and has been one of the

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