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Hi, I need help with essay on Practical Skills vs Knowledge Gained from Textbooks. Paper must be at least 250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Instead, practical skills such as creativity, critical

Hi, I need help with essay on Practical Skills vs Knowledge Gained from Textbooks. Paper must be at least 250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Instead, practical skills such as creativity, critical thinking, resourcefulness, and originality are now considered more valuable than things that are being learned in textbooks.&nbsp.

Learning practical skills does not mean forgoing theoretical concepts in learning any subjects.&nbsp. It meant the fusion of theories into practice and the ability to adapt to change to make the knowledge and skills useful in the real world.&nbsp. This method of learning was emphasized by Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and a college dropout, as more necessary in the economy than the traditional modes of learning that is textbook based that does not teach students to solve any real-world problem.

The real world requires solving practical issues and the ability to adapt to change.&nbsp. Learning merely base on textbooks do not teach these skills and therefore would render the student unprepared to face the real world when he or she graduated from the university.&nbsp. What is ideal to become eclectic in learning approach to draw knowledge and skills from many sources that include not an only textbook, but also experience, experiments, practice, and creativity.

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