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Hi, I need help with essay on QUALITY ASSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT. Paper must be at least 750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!stribute health plan and provider quality information to their employ

Hi, I need help with essay on QUALITY ASSURANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT. Paper must be at least 750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

stribute health plan and provider quality information to their employees, with the hope that this information will result in better clinical outcomes if individuals seek treatment from higher quality providers. As a second objective, employers hope to improve market efficiency, whereby employees who are offered a choice of plans and providers use information on quality, price, and other attributes when making decisions about their health care (Lahr and Schroeder, 1990).

One factor that has not received much attention in earlier work is the role that employers can have in educating employees about their health benefits and quality Chassin (1996). Employer communication methods, including “distributing booklets, brochures, and newsletters, holding education sessions, and using web-based strategies, may significantly impact employees awareness and use of quality information” (Chassin, 1996).

According to Lahr and Schroeder (1990), two empirical studies have focused on employer communication and employee awareness of benefits. “Compared the use of traditional benefits communication methods (e.g., booklets, brochures, and bulletin boards) with more interactive communication between employees and human resources staff members, and found that two-way communication was superior with respect to knowledge retained”. More recently, examined the factors associated with employee use of flexible spending accounts (FSAs) Lahr and Schroeder (1990). They found that more active employer communication strategies, such as holding special meetings with employees to explain FSAs, were positively associated with employee use of these accounts (Lahr and Schroeder, 1990).

According to Chassin (1996), the study setting is the Buyers Health Care Action Group (BHCAG), a health insurance purchasing and reform coalition comprising 30 contractors. These self-insured employers have approximately 250,000 employees and dependents eligible for health insurance. In 2006, 24 BHCAG

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