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Hi, I need help with essay on Why did China not Experience an Industrial Revolution Between c. 1700 and 1949. Paper must be at least 2500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!As the paper highlights coa

Hi, I need help with essay on Why did China not Experience an Industrial Revolution Between c. 1700 and 1949. Paper must be at least 2500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

As the paper highlights coal was at the time a better form of heat production. It gave constant, reliable amount of heat without giving out a lot of by products as a waste.

The changeover was due to great innovation from individuals and group of people who skilfully devised ways to make work easier and create a better life for everyone. Most of the innovations were involuntary and automatic, but additionally, there were others that founded through a series of experiments and exploit of science. This revolution that is an industry based commenced in Britain and after a few years later it stretched to the United States of America, as well as Western Europe. It grades one of the most significant turning points in the account of the history of the whole world. Nearly all aspect of the everyday life of the inhabitants of the planet was greatly influenced in one way or another. The thing that was mostly experienced was the sharp growth of the human population. The society at this period was exceedingly rural in nature. The revolution changed this to a much modern and urban society for most of the nations at that time. Many countries experienced this mode of change that spread from the centre of origin in Britain. China has had a dynamic economy in terms of its economy in the recent years. But why did it delay in achieving better industrialization in the period that other states in Europe and other countries in the regions of the world were developing? This paper is going to assess the reasons why china did not experience ‘industrial revolution’ between c. 1700 and 1949.

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