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Hi, I need help with essay on Women in the City of the Dead. Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Shall I say that I enjoyed the stories? That is true only about the literary

Hi, I need help with essay on Women in the City of the Dead. Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Shall I say that I enjoyed the stories? That is true only about the literary style of the author, but the contents are poignant and move any heart. Why has God stored such a suffering for women? The story of Amira in “The Childless Woman,” is one such example. Being compelled to marry at the young age of sixteen, and divorced after two years as she was unable to conceive children as per the expectations of her husband and other elderly of the family, especially the mother-in-law—her only female child was born dead. The author describes her feelings poignantly, It seemed as if she hadn’t been supposed to have a part in this world and was in Paradise already. Even now I often dream of my baby’s face. The author admits that “The initial focus of my research was women’s contribution to the family budget and their experience of waged work.” The plight of the women who actually do not wish to work outside their homes, but have to work under compelling circumstances is pathetic. They are hard-pressed, as they have to take care of domestic chores, look after their children and attend to the comforts of the elderly and husband at home. They often face social ridicule. Have you ever heard a discussion or symposium on the topic, Men- their role in the society? The answer is an emphatic No! The discussion is always about women. The talk of giving equal rights to women has been going on since time immemorial, but at the grassroots level, nothing tangible has been achieved.

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