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********** ********** ******** ***** *** - *************** **************** pollution ** *** ******* ****** ** * ***** ************* ****** **** ********* marine ********** ************ and ***** ****** ** estimated 8 ******* tons ** ******* ***** enter *** ****** **** year causing ********* ****** ** ****** **** *** ********** the ******** balance of ***** ********** **** pollution **** *** economic ************ harming ******* *********** **** **** ** tourism *** ********************* ********** Innovation is * ****** enterprise ********* ** ********* ******* ********* ** *** oceans through *** *********** and ********** ** advanced ********** ******* ******** ***** as ********** ***** ********** **** ****** ******* areas ****** ******* debris *** ******* ** *********** **** will *** ********* ****** ******* minimizing ***** environmental impact *** will compact the ******* **** small ***** ******** *** ****** of ******* **** **** *** up on landOur ******* ** ** ************* reduce ******* pollution ******* ****** ********** *** ***** global ********* ***** ***** ************ We *** ** ******* **** ** focusing on the Asian Pacific ****** ***** the ******* ** ******* ********* ** **** severeOur ****** enterprise is ****** ** its ******** approach combining ********** **** education *** global ************* ** ****** ******* ****** *** ******** ********** *** **** ****** ******* debris *** **** ******* ** reducing the ****** ** waste **** ***** to ** *********** and disposed ** ** land ** ******** *** ********* data ** ********** to ******** *** improve *** ************ ** *** committed to *********** programs **** ****** a *** ********** ** ***** conservationists *** ** seek partnerships with *********** *** ******* ******** ** ****** a ************* global ******** ** plastic **************** **** *** *** *********** ******************** ********* ***** the ****** ** ******* pollution ** ***** livelihoods health *** the ******************** **** to see cleaner oceans *** beaches *********** ******* practices *** * ******* marine ***************** ****** in local cleanup efforts ******* ***** conservation *********** *** advocate *** ****** ***** ********** ****************** **** ***** ******* ********* ******* ****** life ******** ***** ****** risks from ********* ************ seafood and discussions about the **** *** *********** **************** ******* ****** ********* ******* and ********** struggling ****** **** entangled in plastic ***** *** *** ******** impact ** pollution ** tourismMarine LifeFeelings: Suffering **** the ********* ** ******* debris entanglement ** ******* waste *** habitat destruction ****** ** pollutionNeeds: ***** *** healthy ****** **** **** ******* ********* ** ****** *** ******** a ******** **************** ****** ***** ******* *********** ****** life *** ****** *************** they see: ******** ****** ***** marine life *** * bleak ********** they hear: ******** **** ***** ******* ********* ***** *** action *** ***** *** a *********** ********** **** ***** ******* for *** *********** *********** with the ******* ********* *** hope for * solutionWhat **** ****** ** need ** undertake actions to ******* *** ****** ** **** to **** ********** solutions *** we **** ** *** *** *** *** **** ** ****** generationsWhat **** **** *** **** ** ***** ** *** ******* *** need to ******* ****** life" *** **** to leave * ******* ****** for *** ************* **** *** ******* ocean ************ *********** ****** ***** ******* *********** *** ******* others ***** *** ********** ** ********** *** ******************** of the *********** ** Plastic PollutionExcessive ******* ********** *** ************ *** ****** ********** *** *********** ** plastic have ********* ************* ******* ** * ******* amount ** plastic wasteInadequate ***** *********** ** **** ******* ***** management ************** is ************ ** ************ ******* ** ******** ******** and ******* ** ******* waste into ********* *** ********** ** ********* *** Education: Public ********* ***** *** ******* ******* ** plastic ********* *** sustainable ***** management ********* is lacking in **** ***************** MapRoot ****** ********* ********** *** *********** ** ******************* *********** ** awareness about *** environmental ****** ** ***************** ***** ********** infrastructureInsufficient recycling *** ***** effortsOverreliance ** ********** *************************** ********* in ********** ** ****** ************** of marine ****************** ****** *** ******* ***************** ***** *** **************** *** *********** *********** ***** ********* ****** ********** directly ****** **** *** ******** 14 ***** ***** ******* Conserve *** *********** *** *** ****** **** *** ****** ********* for *********** ************** 12 ************ Consumption *** Production): ****** plastic ********* *** promote *********** plastic ************ ** the ***** *** ***** ** a **************** ***************** ********* ** ****** ******* **************** ******* *********** and waste collection effortsDevelopment ** ************* **************** ******* ********* ** the oceansDesired Outcome: ***** and ******* ****** **** **** ******* pollutionExisting ************** ******** and ***** ********** ************* ********* *************** *********** to ****** ******* *** *** ******* ***** ****************** ** ******* ********* impactsImpact **** *************** ** ********* ************ ** ****** ******* from oceansLimited **** ** *** extent and distribution of plastic ******************* ******* *** ***** ******* **************** SolutionWall-E ********** ********** ********* ***** **** ** ********** ********** ********** that efficiently ****** plastic **** ****** ********** **** ** inform ******** and ****** *** creating a sustainable ******** ***** ******* **** ************ and *********** programsTransforming *** Problem **** ** OpportunityThe plastic ********* crisis ** * global ***** ** ******* *********** ** ** estimated **** over * ******* **** ** plastic waste enter *** ****** ***** year ******* *********** **** ** ****** **** *** ecosystems **** ********* **** *** ******** ******* ** ***** ****** *** ********* However amidst **** ****** **** an *********** *** innovation *** ******** ****** ** harnessing technology ********* *** ****** partnerships ** *** ********* this challenge into * ******** for * **** *********** **************** *********** ********** Advanced ******** SolutionsThe *********** of ******** ******** ************ presents a unique opportunity ** address *** plastic ********* crisis ** ********* in innovative ********* ** can *********** ****** ******* ***** **** *** oceans *** ********* *** promising ******** involves *** *** ** ********** marine ****** or "cleaning bots" ******* ** ********** *** ********* ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** ******** ** ***** **** *** difficult or dangerous *** ****** ** access such ** ****** coastlines *** **** ocean **************** the development ** advanced ********* ************ can **** us ********* ******* ***** into ******** ********* ** ******** **** ******* **** its *********** monomers ** can ****** *** products *** ****** the **** *** ****** ******* ********** **** ******** not **** tackles ********* *** **** fosters * ******** ******* ********* ******** ********** *** sustainabilityEducational ********* ********** *** **** ********** ** Ocean ***************** ***** a crucial role in ********** *** ******* pollution crisis ** ********** **** *********** institutions we *** provide **** ********* *** training in ocean conservation ********** *** **** ********** ** ****** ******** ** *** ****** *********** These ******** *** introduce students to *** science ** ******* pollution *** ******* on ********** *** ********* ********************* ************** with ***** ************ ************* *** ******* ******* *********** ******* ***** partnerships *** ******* ************* *** students to *********** in ***** research *** ************ ******** gaining ******** experience ** ********** ******* ********* **** experiences *** ******* * ******** commitment ** environmental ********** and sustainable ************* *********** Monetizing *********** *** Research *** ************* **** collected ** ******** bots *** ***** monitoring technologies *** be ********* *** ******** and environmental consulting **** information *** ******* ******** insights **** *** ************ ******** *** *********** of ******* ********* ****** ** *** *********** ** **** effective ********** strategiesResearch ************ *** environmental ********** firms can utilize **** data to ****** ********** the sources and ******** ** ******* ********* ******** ******** *** ******* ******* *** ****** *** effectiveness of ******* mitigation ******** **** *********** *** also inform ****** decisions *** ***** future ******** ************* ************ A Collective ****** to Combat ******* ************ ******* ********* crisis ** * ****** ***** **** ******** a coordinated ************* response ** ********* ****** ************ we *** ***** ********* resources *** expertise to address this ********* *********** ***** ************ *** ********** *** transfer ** ********** promote ************* ** research *** development and coordinate ******* ******* ****** ******************** ************* **** as *** ****** ******* *********** ********* (UNEP) can **** a key **** in facilitating ***** ************ ** ******** ******** *********** ********** *** ***** society ****** **** *** promote * ******* approach ** tackling ******* ***************** ************** *** plastic ********* crisis *** ******* * ****** for innovative solutions ******* ** new ******** ************* ** ******* ******* ********* developing advanced ******** ************ ********* methods *** *********** ************ to plastic *** tap **** **** ******* ********* ********* *** development and implementation ** ********* to ******* ********* will ****** *** **** ** various ****** ********* *********** technology ************* ******* and ********* **** *** ********** ** economic ****** *** provide ********** ************* *** *********** ********** about environmental ******************* ********** *** ****** Impact: ********** plastic ********* *** foster community ********** *** ****** ****** *********** Local *********** *** ******** cleanup ****** promote ********* programs *** ******* ********* ***** *********** ********* ***** ******* *** ********** ********* ties *** ******* ************* ***************** ********* *** Advocacy: *** ******* pollution ****** *** raised ****** ********* ***** *** ************* ******* ** ******* waste **** increased ********* *** lead to ******* ** ******** ******** *** ******* *** ******** that ******* sustainable ********* ******** groups *** **** * crucial **** ** ********* *** ****** and *********** ****** decisionsSustainable *********** and ******** ******** Addressing plastic ********* ****** **** *** ***** of sustainable *********** and * circular ******* By reducing ******* ***** ******* and ********* ********* *** ********* *********** ************ ** *** **** ******* * **** ****************** *** *************** ******** ***************** ** ******** ******** *** ******* ********* ****** *** ******* innovation ** ******** ******* ******* ** *** *********** ** ************* and compostable ************ to *********** ******** These *** materials *** ****** the ************* ****** of consumer ******** *** ******************* Opportunities: The ******* ********* crisis *** ********* *** ********* of ********* seeking ** ******* *********** ********* ******* ******* ***** *** ****** ********* *** ************ ******* ********* ********** ********** technologies *** ********** to ******* ******* wasteInternational Collaboration *** ********* Sharing: *** global ****** of the plastic ********* ****** ************ ************* ************* and ********* ******* ********* *** learn **** **** other's *********** and ***** **** ********* ** ***** ********** recycling *** pollution preventionTechnological ************ in Monitoring and *********** Technological ************ in ********** and ********** *** provide ********* data ** plastic ********* levels enabling **** effective ********** strategies *** ******** ******* ********************* ************* ************** partnerships can play * key **** in addressing ******* ********* *********** *** *********** **** ********** ** ******* *** ********* ********* ********* ***** ********** *** ******* **** ********** support *** ************************ ** Our ProposalWall-E ********** Innovation ************* itself **** ***** ****** *********** through *** unique ***************** ************* *** clean-bots *** **** remove ******* *** **** ******* ** ******** *** ****** ** ******* **** comes **** onto landData Utilization: ** ******** ********* **** to ********** ** ******** adding ** ***** ***** ** ****** **** **** **** improve **** ************** *** ********** ** educational ******** ensures * *********** ****** *** * new ********** of ***** **************** *** ******************* Collaboration: ** seek ************ **** *********** *** ******* ******** ** ****** a ************* ****** ******** to ******* pollutionConclusionWall-E ********** ********** ****** * unique *** ******** ******** ** combat plastic pollution ** *** ****** ********* ********** **** ********* and ****** ************* to ****** lasting change Our ****** ********** is committed ** ****** * *********** ************ to ******** up our oceans protecting ****** ********** and promoting responsible plastic *** for a ********* planetWall-E Underwater Innovation is ********* ** ********** *** ****** ******* ********* ****** ******* innovative technologies data-driven ********* *********** *********** and ****** partnerships *** ******** ******** **** ** ****** * ******* ****** ** ***** health marine ecosystems *** coastal *********** ** ******* **** ** ********* ************* ************ with ********* and ************* we *** turn *** tide ******* ******* ********* *** ****** * ******* ********* future for *** ********************** https://wwwmediafirecom/file/y53dgikqcvgcmmb/The_transport_and_fate_of_maripdf/file2 https://wwwmediafirecom/file/u25quacdlvieyz9/Frond-et-al-2019-Integrated-Environmental-Assessment-and-Managementpdf/file3 https://wwwmediafirecom/file/a63db2ciekl45ol/Debris-Surveys-in-Three-Africapdf/file4""The ******* **** ** Dave ***** **** ******* Thinking Approach *** ****** ******* ** ***** ***** Stroh6 ** framework *** ******* **** and ************* in impact investing" ** Bridges Impact+7 **** New ******** ******** Rethinking *** ****** of ********* ** *** ***** ********* Foundation8 "Plastic ********** A Global ****** ** *** World Wildlife Fund ****** "Turning the Tide on ******* Pollution"by *** ****** Nations Environment ********* ******** **** Business **** *** Addressing ******* ************ the ***** ******** ******* "Innovations ** ******* ***** ************* *** ******** ********** ********* ******** ********** * ******* Threat ** Human ********* *** ************* ********** ****** ********************** ************* **** Canvas Causes *********