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Hi, need to submit a 1000 words essay on the topic The English Novel in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.This essay discusses that in this society depicted in this novel, Joe, Pip’s sister’

Hi, need to submit a 1000 words essay on the topic The English Novel in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries.

This essay discusses that in this society depicted in this novel, Joe, Pip’s sister’s husband is one of the happiest and most morally correct people. on the other hand, Miss Haversham is the richest but most unhappy and loneliest man.Confronted by a strong desire to be recognized in the society and marry, Pip has a firm belief that if he becomes a gentleman, he will be better placed to have everything in his world. His world finally collapses when he comes to understand that all his money was based on Magwitch’s dishonest earnings, later he comes to understand the true value of life.Robinson Crusoe is a novel that is composed and written by Defoe Daniel, depicting the kind of life that characterized life in the eighteenth century as well as some other years before. The novel revolves around a young man by the name of Crusoe, who is described as a young and impulsive wanderer. Realizing, his mistake, Crusoe is ashamed to go back home to his parents, instead, he boards another ship and heads to Africa, from where he makes a successful comeback, however, he is met with another bad luck as he is caught and taken to prison in Sallee, as a punishment, his captors sent him out to go and fish. He finally decides to escape. he, therefore, makes a small boat that he manages to take away from the island with it. This novel explains how Crusoe finds a hard life after he moves from home to find his own adventure, after much suffering, he manages to come back home, marries and enjoys his wealth.

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