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Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic An Assurance of Love in the Autumn of Life.
Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic An Assurance of Love in the Autumn of Life. Shakespeare worked in London as a bit actor and member of a theatrical company headed by Richard Burbage that presented plays at the Globe and other London theaters. He was also an associate of a jolly group of men whose revels at the Mermaid Tavern were as famous as their escapades. He had a friend in the person of the Earl of Southampton to whom he dedicated his early poems. “His real dramatic work began when he was twenty-seven and which extended over a period of twenty years. He made an average of two plays yearly, in addition to his poetry. Because his dramas were popular, he made enough money to retire to Stratford-on-Avon” (Cross, Smith & Stauffer, 1931).
On May 4, 1597, he bought large dwelling – a pretty house of brick and timber, with a handsome garden – an indication of his growing prosperity. There his wife and children lived, while he buried himself in the London theaters.
On April 23, 1616, the anniversary of his birth, William Shakespeare died and was buried on April 25 within the chancel of Trinity Church, as befitting an honored citizen. On August 6, 1623, a few months before the collected edition of Shakespeare’s plays, Anne Shakespeare joined her husband in death (Wright and Lamar, 1967)
We shall now endeavor to provide the reader with a brief paraphrase for the above sonnet, giving an interpretation of its fundamental meaning. The poem starts out with a beautiful but melancholy description of Autumn – a season of the falling of yellow leaves – few or none at all. The scene is made more dismal with the absence of the sweet songbirds that have perhaps flown away or perished due to the cold. .