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Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Conflict that occurs in a nuclear family.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Conflict that occurs in a nuclear family. Conflicts in a nuclear family occur mostly because of misunderstandings between and among its members. Traditional or extended families usually provide buffers during misunderstandings and conflicts. Since the nuclear family is deprived of other family members like aunts, uncles and grandparents who can help resolve these misunderstandings, these differences in opinion or misunderstandings take a longer time to resolve in nuclear families. As a result, “conflict in the form of misunderstanding or disagreement can be intensified unless repaired in time” (Tseng & Hsu, 1991). It is also undeniable that in times of crisis or when children become ill, the nuclear family is left to fend for itself. Without a strong support system, the members of the nuclear family often become stressed. They would also tend to vent their anger and frustrations on other family members. This often happens between parents who tend to break down and become stressed while dealing with family crisis. They lack the advantages that extended and traditional families would have been able to give them. Families can, without a doubt, provide a strong support system in times of stress and during health crises. The support and help that extended families can give the family are invaluable gifts that can go a long way towards easing family burdens.

Another source of conflict in the nuclear family is usually seen among the children. Children have different ‘places’ in the family. The eldest, middle, and the youngest child are sometimes treated differently. as a result, they tend to act differently. The first born child is usually the most responsible and dependable child. He sees himself in the role of leader among his siblings. Conflicts often arise between him and his parents when the latter expect too much out of him.

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