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Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Raphaels Madonnas. Concentrating on his Madonnas, this paper follows the style of Rafael, one of the world’s masterful Madonnieres, or painter of Mad
Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Raphaels Madonnas. Concentrating on his Madonnas, this paper follows the style of Rafael, one of the world’s masterful Madonnieres, or painter of Madonnas.
Revered greatly by his contemporaries, the reconstruction of antique Rome was Rafael’s life-long mission as in 1508, Pope Julius II employed him at the Vatican in Rome. From then on, he spent seven of his remaining years to serve the succeeding Pope Leo X as an architect and supervisor of projects at the Vatican. He stayed loyal to the church until his untimely death on March 26, 1520, at the exact age of 37. his death on that Good Friday left a saintly tone as it was also the exact month and day of his birth.
Rafael’s Artistic Choice: “The Prince of Painters, the God of Art.” Religious themes are an apparent choice for a Christian painter such as Rafael who has been employed by the Vatican under two papal regimes. His paintings have celebrated different narratives from the virgin’s life such as her daily life portrayed in The Holy Family, Madonna of the Chair, her marriage, her divine coronation by Christ, and various many allegorical paintings. The human relationships she shared with Christ reflect Rafael’s views on ideal motherhood. Perhaps, out of longing for parental relationship, as he himself was orphaned by his mother when he was 8 years of age, and then later on by his father when he was 11 years of age. As an employee at the Vatican, most of his mature works were for the church altars and fresco walls.
In terms of style, his paintings reflected a strong influence from the works of Da Vinci and Michelangelo without their extremes.