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Hi, need to submit a 1500 words essay on the topic Importance of Considering Ethical Issues that Happen to be raised within/by Organizations.Download file to see previous pages... From this discussion

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words essay on the topic Importance of Considering Ethical Issues that Happen to be raised within/by Organizations.

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From this discussion it is clear that ethics are essentially the values and principles that are used by an individual in governing his decisions and activities. However, in organizations, ethics are commonly used to infer to the code of ethics or principles that are used in guiding the organization in its policies, programs and decisions. An organization’s ethical philosophy can critically affect its productivity, reputation and the business organization’s eventual bottom-line. The recent economic crisis and the relatively high competition in global markets, most organizations have taken to ignoring their basic ethics with the sole objective of attempting to ensure that they are able to effectively compete and stay well ahead of the ever stiffening competition. However, this is seen to be a worrying trend and it is important for organizations to understand the importance of ethical considerations as well as learn how they can be able to effectively maintain or use their current ethical standards and still remain quite competitive in the respective markets. As the paper outlines ethical considerations within an organization can be seen to affect different aspects of the business enterprise and are essentially categorized into a number of categories that are seen to variously include: Employee Ethics: Proper ethical behavior among an organization’s employees serves to ensure that an organization’s employees are able to perform their work with integrity and honesty. Employees that are motivated to use ethics as a basic guide to their word behavior are seen to usually adhere to the organization’s employee rules and policies while constantly striving to try and meet the goals that have been laid out by the organization. Ethical leadership is also seen to ensure that that the company’s reputation in the community and financial market is greatly enhanced in addition to also greatly improving the company’s business as a result of promoting the company as having a solid reputation for both integrity and ethics. Ethical Organizational Culture: An ethical organizational culture is seen to primarily be created by the adherence to a given code of ethics by an organization’s employees and leaders. To this end the leaders within the given organizations may strive to exhibit the behavior that they would prefer to see being exhibited by their employees, the organization can also undertake to reward employees that exhibit the integrity and values that happen to coincide with its code of ethics while disciplining those that are seen to make wrong choices. Ethical considerations are important in companies such as McDonald’s who according to Blasio, were named among the world’s most ethical companies. McDonald’s company size and its respected position as an industry leader is seen to cause the company to become an easy target should it venture to try and step outside the acceptable social boundaries.&nbsp.

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