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Hi, need to submit a 2250 words essay on the topic Introduction to Human Resource Management.From the report it is clear that induction training is one of the important and beginning steps for the new

Hi, need to submit a 2250 words essay on the topic Introduction to Human Resource Management.

From the report it is clear that induction training is one of the important and beginning steps for the new as well as the existing employees to revitalise their creative ideas and thus contribute to the overall efficiency of the organisation. It also intends to increase the employees’ willingness motivating them to be more enthusiastic at work emphasising on both the existing and fresh employees. This process intends to be highly beneficial for the new employees motivating them to become more productive cooperative towards the company statement as well as the vision of the company by generating awareness regarding the previous records and achievements by the organisation.

This discussion stresses that the next step of the induction training is to provide the information about organisational structure to the employees indicating the overall structure of the organisation. This includes the different divisions as well as the briefing about the responsibilities possessed by the employee groups. The step following this process will intend to provide a briefing about the HR Policies of the company referring it to be one of the most important facets of induction training encompassing with the different processes in the working period excluding the operation level works. It is worth mentioning in this context that the involvement of effective HR policies of an organisation signifies the different phases of the employees from the reporting time to the time when the employee decides to resign from the organisation.

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