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Hi, need to submit a 250 words essay on the topic Discussion: Learning from Your Online Experience.In a virtual online environment, instructors are required to proved feedback which is more detailed i

Hi, need to submit a 250 words essay on the topic Discussion: Learning from Your Online Experience.

In a virtual online environment, instructors are required to proved feedback which is more detailed in nature as compared to the traditional setting. Feedback needs to provide follow-up questions as well as highlighting key ideas instead of only posting words such as “good job.” Modern forms of feedback such as the use of voice-supported chats and the use of audio clips to provide feedback to their students are also being used in the modern online environments (Bonnel & Smith 2010).

Several strategies can be used to develop effective online discussion sessions. Some of these include. specifying a target number of specified weekly contributions by each student to the discussion is a strategy that can help in encouraging students to become more active in the discussions. This can further be emphasized by awarding marks to the discussion that will eventually contribute to the student’s overall grade (Gilbert & Dabbagh 2005).

Another strategy that can be used is for the instructor to try and ensure that they are actually present in the discussion several times a week. This will help in portraying a visible presence in the discussion by the instructor which will potentially increase the likelihood for the students to participate and contribute to the discussion (Gilbert & Dabbagh

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