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Hi, need to submit a 250 words essay on the topic Reference Works Report.I therefore read all the encyclopedia’s relating to the kind of search entry that I had entered during the search. During thi

Hi, need to submit a 250 words essay on the topic Reference Works Report.

I therefore read all the encyclopedia’s relating to the kind of search entry that I had entered during the search. During this process I read the overview of the respective books from the library that conforms to the search entries. At this point I noticed and felt that the kind of the information that is provided in the overview was helpful in a given way though should have been a little more inclusive and detailed in their unique way.

There were also used as key words, however some of these key words poses difficulty in terms of finding the search results. The most difficult key word I used is eating canned food. This is because it did not give much expected results. The results were limited to certain areas of the research. However, the results gotten on it were mainly relating to and animal feeds.

Fishes mongering was the interesting source as it contained in-depth and informed expression of knowledge. It brought into perspective how fishing is done by fishermen and consumed by people world over. I therefore find such an article very much important in doing my research work on canned

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