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Hi, need to submit a 250 words paper on the topic Developmental Stages. Developmental Stages DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES Developmental stage Summary of each stage Teachers role for each stage Instructional s

Hi, need to submit a 250 words paper on the topic Developmental Stages. Developmental Stages DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES Developmental stage Summary of each stage Teachers role for each stage Instructional strategies to support each stage

1-7 months

-At first a baby cannot focus farther than 12 inches but learns to recognize her mother. Reacts to bright light, improved eye to hand coordination, can open and close hands. Use of its legs to reject standing (Raver, 2003.

-Get close and make eye contact, talk and play simple games. Help him to soothe himself. Maintain the use of exercise using tummy as part of his national routine. Give him toys (Payton et. al, 2000).

-Identify toys that interest him and faces.

- talk to the baby throughout while describing activities and naming familiar objects.

-provide toys he can hold and explore

8-12 months

-The baby smiles, laughs and has babbling conversations throughout when awake. The baby can sit on his/her own and grasps objects through a raking grasp. Can hold toys from one hand to the other. Gets sensitive to the mother’s voice

-Engage the child in active play

-change of different toys to enable her creativity. Provide the child opportunities to explore her new physical skills.

-Keep the surrounding environment safe to allow maximum exploration. Establish a routine for sleeping, feeding and playtime.

1-2 years

-At this stage children are able to walk and partially run. Language development is also in its most active parts. Children tend to discover there active their natural selves and the ability to say “NO”. Tantrums and meltdowns are also very common at this stage.

Encouraging the children in active play as well as language development through corrections and motivating.

-Ensure frequent communication with the child. Provide him with simple psychological games to enhance both mental and physical growth (Garmezy&Rutter, 2003).

3-5 years

Children are well developed as play and egocentrism takes centre stage. This stage is characterised by rapid physical and intellectual growth.

-Instil into the child societal values such as discipline and hard work. Teach the child to perform basic hygiene exercise.

-Constant supervision to ensure the values instilled are not lost.

6-8 years

-Children are very curious at this stage and are actively trying out new activities. Creativity and innovation are very high as failure comes with frustrations. Self-discipline is enhanced at this stage.

Teaching children on how to handle frustration and failure as well as congratulating them in outstanding performances.

The utilization of constant supervision to facilitate transition into independence (Prizant, 1996).


Raver, C. (2003).Young children’s emotional development and school readiness.&nbsp.Social policy report,&nbsp.16(3), 3-19.

Payton, J. W., Wardlaw, D. M., Graczyk, P. A., Bloodworth, M. R., Tompsett, C. J., &Weissberg, R. P. (2000). Social and emotional learning: A framework for promoting mental health and reducing risk behavior in children and youth. Journal of school health,&nbsp.70(5), 179-185.

Prizant, B. M. (1996). Brief report: Communication, language, social, and emotional development.&nbsp.Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders,&nbsp.26(2), 173-178.

Garmezy, N. E., &Rutter, M. E. (2003).Stress, coping, and development in children. In&nbsp.Seminar on Stress and Coping in Children, 1979, Ctr for Advanced Study in the Behavioural Sciences, Stanford, CA, US. Johns Hopkins University Press.

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