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Hi, need to submit a 2500 words essay on the topic Assignment:.Although the mentioned colonizers have the same objective of extending their dominion, each employed different methods in implementing co

Hi, need to submit a 2500 words essay on the topic Assignment:.

Although the mentioned colonizers have the same objective of extending their dominion, each employed different methods in implementing control over their declared territories. The French colonized other countries using centralized system of governance in Paris leaving the countries without the freedom to deal with their local issues (Grier 319). The French government was also strict about the use of its own language in its territories and education was not in its primary agenda resulting to illiteracy of the people in the colonized countries. The British colonization used the decentralized form of government controlling the constitution and foreign relations of its colonies leaving the international trade, public lands, as well as trade surpluses under the control of the government of its colonies (Grier 319). The British also employs free trade agreement in its colonies and optimizes education of its people. The Spanish colonization on the other hand is the epitome of mercantilist government with strict restrictions on trade leaving no room for the colonies to bargain with other countries but only to Spain herself (Grier 320).

Bearing either positive or negative impacts, the people of the colonized country still has the authority and power on whether to accept dominion or revert to new perspectives that can bring socio-economic growth to their land more than what the colonizers has to offer. To elucidate how colonialism affects the development process of the colonized countries, this paper will discuss the legacies of colonization on the macro level with references to specific economic situations or country experiences which depicts their score in development.

The theory of colonialism states that there are two models to colonize a country, the mercantilist and the liberalist models. The mercantilist model of colonialism uses the central force of the state to control the assets of the country by instituting trade policies and tariffs, as

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