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Hi, need to submit a 500 words essay on the topic Examples of Key Literary Terms.Download file to see previous pages... In fact, this assumption is one that most people would make, given that the doct

Hi, need to submit a 500 words essay on the topic Examples of Key Literary Terms.

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In fact, this assumption is one that most people would make, given that the doctor's prognosis is that she died “of joy that kills” (Chopin, 25). The dramatic irony inherent in this judgment emphasizes the theme of propriety over actual emotion. Josephine felt not joy but grave disappointment at the moment of her heart attack (pun intended). Lines 114 to 128 in Tristan Bernard's 1915 French play, I'm Going!, also makes heavy use of satire to highlight the various chasms between Henri's expectations of Jeanne, Jeanne's behaviour, and the reality of a happy and trusting relationship. Jeanne appears to be acting normally, acquiescing to her husband's simple request to “show [him] the telegram” (Bernard, 125) she is sending to her friend. However, Henri insists that she is “not usually so obedient” (Bernard, 127), alerting the audience to the fact that such behaviour is not, apparently, normal for her. It is difficult to discern which character the audience is meant to support in this short exchange, because we cannot tell whether it is Jeanne deviating suspiciously from her norm, or Henri deviating from ours.

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