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*************************** ********************** AffiliationDate  COUNTER-TERRORISM ******************* **** ** days ****** ***** the **** ******* **** * ********* ******** came ** **** *** ****** ********* ACT” * ** **** ******** ** *** *********** ************** laws ***** ****** expanded *** government’s **** ** *** ** *** own residents whereas *************** decreasing ****** *** ******** ** *** powers **** as ******** misunderstanding ability to **** the ********** ******** ** court and *** public relianceIn ********* the “USA PATRIOT ****** ************ ****** and ********* ********** *** of **** *** the intelligence ************* Act *** *** ********* **** **** ******** offered the government with critical ******* that ** *** used **** ** the time *** *********** in *** ********* fights The developments ******** ** ***** ******** affect **** ** *** application ********* ** the sector *** ********** ************* ** ****** search ** *** ******* ****** **** and have ****** *** ********** to ****** **** ******** and ****** ** ********** the ***** *********** **** on ********* terrorists (Mueller ********* 206 of *** *** ****** *** to **** *** ***** to “follow *** ********* for investigation reasons *** *** *** the ************** to * ******* ***** *** benefactor **** the objective’s ********** *** **** a result ** ************* that ************ **** section supported *** ******** ** ********* ************* *** **** ***** ****** **** ** there ** apparent ***** to ***** **** the ****** of *** ************** ** either ** agent ** ******* ** foreign ****** **** *** ** terrorist Also **** to *** Act *** * ********** ** *** *** ** perform an ************ ************* to get **** permission to *** *** **** ***** ** *********** * ********* ** *** *** ********** *** ** **** * complex ******* ***** ***** 4 of **** ******** ***** The ******** information sharing *** been ***** by *** Act *** *** ******* ** **** outcomes in the ********* *** For ******** ***** **** **** *********** opinions **** **** ******** ** ********* ***** *** ********** have **** ******** Information ************ ******* law prosecution ******** *** intelligence for example was ********* in ************ ************* a ****** **** in *********** ******** Portland ****** ******* ** * ****** **** ** ********** ** *** **** *********** **** ***** **** ****** *** **** **** used ** *********** some individuals ******** ** al-Qaeda ***************** ********** in *** ***** where 2 ** **** **** **** ********* guilty also ***** *** 9 ******* ** ******** of * ******* ************* ***** called *************** **** ** related ** ******** *** *** ****** **** * ***** ** **** ************ ******** ***** These just a *** ******** ** **** the Act has ****** ** ******************* ********** of ****** USA ******* ****** theme ** end ** **** a *** ****** **** ** ************ ** ******* ** *** **** ** ***** take *** law *********** ** **** as *** ************ ********* **** ** when ********** information fully *** *** possible *** the ********* ** existence ** ****** ******* ********** **** *** ****** **** is *** **** ** *** The **** *** ********** ********* on terrorists ******* ** ****** *** ******* ** **** *** ********** *** ********* ** **** ** ** *** would ******* *** ******* to prevent terror ******* *** ************* ** *** ***** *** *** ******* ** discuss the ********** of *** *** ** *** ******* *** ******* ********* *** *** *** confirmed **** ******** ****** *** well ****************************** R (2005) Testimony of ****** S ******* *** ******** ******* ****** ** ************* before *** ****** ********* on ************ ** the United ****** *************** February ** ******

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