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******** ***** 3NameInstitution               AbstractDyson suggests **** extremist groups have a ***** ** ******** *** ******** **** ** circumvent law *********** procedures ********* ****** *** sophisticated *** have * ***** ****** **** than ****** ********* ***** **** ********** *** *** ******* of *** law Most ****** **** ******* *** ********* **** ***** ***** members on ***** ************ **** *** enforcement ******** *** *** enforcement is at * ************ ***** most ** ***** ********* are in the ****** domain ****** it ****** *** *** groups ** ****** *** *** **** tends to undermine *** enforcement efforts since * simple ***** of the ************* process ***** ****** ** * genuine **** against ** extremist ***** ******** The ***** ********** **** *** *********** should ********** ***** ********* ********* ******** to improve ***** ********* ** **** ** adjust ***** compromised ********** *** *** ****** **** offer *********** to law enforcement ******** ** **** ** easy ** capture ******* ********* groups         Chapter ** **** ********* Knows About *** ******************** *** ********* ***** **** *** ****** in ********** **** the *** *********** officer has ** **** **** *** ********* ********** know of the law enforcement *********** Terrorist groups ********* **** *** ** no criminal records with *** ****** ********** to ******** organizations avoid ****** **** ******* ****** ******* ** ***** ***** ********* Some ********* ****** ****** **** **** ** *** *** *********** ******** than ****** criminals * ******* **** *** ********** *** inspired ** know of *** law *********** operations ***** they *** ***** main *********** ** is **** ********* ** suggest **** the ********* groups *** *** arrested ***** they have ******* ** ***** ********* ** ****** from law enforcement *************************** ****** **** **************** material **** helps **** ***** ********* ** *** ****** ********* ****** **** ***** ******* ** ******** ********** **** enable **** ** ********** *** *** *********** agencies * **** **** such ******** ** only ******** ** *** extremists have an ************* of the procedures ** *** *********** ******** ** ******* **** some ** *** groups ***** ***** ******* **** ********** ** ******* ** do if contacted ** * *** *********** ********* (Dyson 2017 ** *** The evidence ** *** ******** of **** manuals *** ********* sows that terrorist groups *** aware that *** *********** ******** **** specific ********** ** *** ** ****** themI **** *** notion **** ********* ****** *** ******** ** *** ********* ********** **** the *** *********** ******** follow ** ***** ** difficult *** *** *********** ******** ** ******** *** arrest the ********** The ****** ********** *** *** *** know **** *** *** *********** agencies *** investigating **** ***** ******** that **** groups **** ***** ******* ** ******** ******* **** security ******** **** *** even **** ** **** ********** Signs of ****** ************* ** Bugging” (Dyson **** pg *** ***** ******** ******* prove **** **** are even aware **** *** *** enforcement ******** *** investigating **** Such ********* ********** the integrity ** *** ***** ************* ***** ****** ******* on ******* The ******* ** *** ****** will mask ***** activities when **** know **** *** ****** *** ** ***** trail * **** **** *** law enforcement agencies ******** ******* *** ********** to **** once **** ******** *** ********* **** ******** ******* *** ******** **** the police ******* ** ********* **** **** know **** *** ****** *** ** ** **** They **** **** *** ** ******** ***** ********** ********** *** a ***** ** fool *** ****** to **** investigating themInitiating *** ************* ********* ******* the terrorist ****** * ******* *** law *********** agencies *** enforcement ******** **** ******** **** *** ********** know ***** processes ******** ****** are ** * ******* since the law ******** **** ** follow ****** ********* *** *** ********** arrest ** * ******** ******* ** ****** *** ******** ***** ** some ***** ***** ****** out ** court ** ******* **** *** enforcement ******** **** ** option but ** ****** *** *********** ********** **** ******** extremist ****** ** ** extent the *** tends to ********** *** ********** of ********* ****** *** ****** ********** *** *** *** use ** to their ********* **** will ****** silent **** ***** ********** ** ****** ******** ** ********** in the rule ** *** The extremists ******* *** ********* ***** ******** ***** leaves **** of *** ****** ** ***** ** *** *********** ******** ******** & ******** **** ** 34) *** ******** have to ******** legal *********** *** ******** *** ******** ******** ** convict **** of *** ********** It ** ******** ***** *** *** ****** *** ****** to ***** *** ****** can *********** ****** the information There *** ***** *********** on *********** *** **** ********** ******** **** ******* *************** ********** **** **** to undermine *** *********** ******** ** *** **** to ********* **** ** ***** security ********** * ******* **** **** ************* **** detailed ******* on how to operate **** faced **** * disaster ***** ***** ******** * ********* ****** Homeland ******** *** ******** ************ ** possible ********* ********** and *** ********** **** follow **** * ********* ****** occurs ********** have *** ********** ** study the ********** to *** *** ******** the ******** **** ** extending *** ****** of ***** ****** (Leong **** ** 65) ********** **** ** ***** *** ******** manuals ** know *** ** ******** *** ****** while impacting the **** *************** ***** **** ********* ********** **** *** *********** ******** ****** ***** ********* ******** ** increase ***** ************* The *** enforcement ******** **** ******** the ******** **** by extremists will ********** *** processes **** *** ********** ****** **** ******** and ************ their attacks They **** also ********** *** extent ** which their procedures are *********** ** ******* ****** ** **** *** enforcement ******** should ********** study *** ********* **** gather from ********** to understand *** ******** trends **** *** ** ***** detection *** ******* It ** **** ** opportunity to ******** *** *********** ********** **** ** *** *********** ** ****** that **** make ********* improvements * also ******* that law *********** ******** will ******* *** ************* of ***** ********* since **** ****** rely ** ********* updated ********* ******** to change ***** compromised ******* *** *** should **** provide *********** ** *** enforcement in *********** circumstancesReferencesDyson * E ****** ********** ** ************** ******** RoutledgeKurzman * ***** ******** D ****** *** *********** ********** ** *** ******* ********* ****** Triangle ****** ** Terrorism and Homeland ******** ******** 8(6) ********* * * M ****** *** disruption ** ************* organised crime: ** ******** ** ***** *** ********* ********** *************

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