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I am in need for M8A1 portofoio to be adjusted (The paper is on Diversity in the workplace) with the corrections that are mentioned in the prvious attachments. (M2A1, M4A1, M6A1). Also I need for M8A1

I am in need for M8A1 portofoio to be adjusted (The paper is on Diversity in the workplace) with the corrections that are mentioned in the prvious attachments. (M2A1, M4A1, M6A1). Also I need for M8A1 PowerPoint to reflect those changes made in M8A1. 

There are some things that M8A1 needs and you will see that in the attachments as they are mentioned in the documents attached. Some of those are:

These are some of the issues that I am having trouble with as noted by my professor:

There are no Central Tendencies calculated and presented in APA formatted chart. You have not identified independent and dependent variables and therefore, you cannot identify a potential statistical analysis. Finally, I am unsure what variables are shown on your scatterplot. I think what you want to evaluate is whether the federal employee population represents the actual population by demographic. There is no statistical analysis needed to determine this. You would only need to identify the percentage of ready to work individuals in each demographic and location by the total number of each of those demographics in each location. I can assure you, this will be a simple and easy analysis – I’ve done it countless times in my current position. What would require a statistical analysis would be whether there is a correlation between the ready to work population by demographic and the rates of employment in the public sector. For example, is federal sector employment related to race? Please think about the assignment in terms of identifying a relationship between variables, not counting the existence or lack thereof, of a certain demographic employed in the public sector.

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***************************** ************ ** Hiring ********** ** *** ******* ********** ** *** ****** States of AmericaMPA625 M8A1    Statistical ************ of ****** ********** of the ******* Government ** the ****** ****** ** AmericaExecutive Summary:Utilizing ********** to ********* *** ************* of ************** ********* ************ drives ******** ****** ** contemporary organizations ******* ******** ********** **** makes **** collection more and more ******** organizations **** ** data *** *********** ******** ** that **** ** ******** organizational ************* For ***** ************* **** *** ******* ********** of *** ****** ****** ** ******* the ************ ** ********* and ********* *** **** significant ************ *** *** population ** ******** in *** ****** * ******* ********** ** ******** in ******* coupled **** *********** seeking ** provide ******** ** *** ********* in alignment **** *** ******* ** *** ************ of *** ****** ****** *** ********* *** ******* ********** ** ensure that ** is extended equitable ****** ********* in its own agencies Through longitudinal *********** analysis ** *** ****** States ****** ** **** as ******* ********** hiring statistics ********** ** *** *********** ** America’s ******* ** ******** *** ** ********* **** ********** ************ ******* the ******* ********** practices ****** ** ****** ********* ** ** ** has violated *** *********** designed ** ******* ******** ***** all ****** in *** ****** The *********** ******** ******* that ***** ******* to ensure **** ********* ************ ** ****** ********* **** **** ********* ** the ********** **** the course ** a ****** *** Federal ********** *** ****** ***** ** ********* *** ******* ******** of the statistics **** ********** the ******* *** conclusions ** ** ***** ***** **** ********* that *** ****** *** ***** ** the ******** For example ** ***** for * ******** ** ******** to ** ******** ** would be ********* to presume **** ******* ************ ** ********** pursue jobs **** *** Federal Government ** ** possible that this *** taken ***** *** ** is ********** ** ********* ******* the data provided that **** **** ** ****** ** *** ***** *** ** ******** ******* **** *********** the ****** ******* **** *** present ***** ** **** ******** in ***** ** ****** **** ********* ****** ******** ** **** ** ********* ** employment ********** over *** ****** ** *** **** ****** ********** populations ** ******** ******* ** the Federal ********** ***** **** ********** *********** ** ******** ******** ***** be * ****** ********** however ** ** more likely **** *** ******* ********** *** made * ********* ****** ** ensure ************* ********* ** *** ***** **** ***** **** of the ******* ********** ** *** analysis **** follows *** data **** **** ****** States ****** ** **** *** **** as **** ** Federal Government ****** in **** *** 2015) *** used ** draw *********** ***** **** **** *** valid **** rigorous ******** *** *** ****** and ******** ********** of ************** ensuring ******** ** Federal ********** ****** ********* These **** **** ********** ********** **** may *** ** perfect *** ***** ****** ********** that would support **** ******** study The initial ********** of ****** in ****** ** *** ********** ******* ** ** clear **** * *********** analysis ** *** **** that the ******* ********** is ******** to ******* equity ** hiring *************** *** ****** ***** are ******** ** *** conclusion ** the present studyIntroductionAt one time discrimination against ****** ** *** ****** ****** ** ******* *** not ********** by *** **** of *** ****** ****** people *** were ***** worked ** *** ****** ****** **** and ********** **** ***** ****** *** ****** people **** **** ** work ***** ****** **** This **** ***** **** ****** many ** *** minority ****** may **** had ******* ****** **** White people *** as *** ********* ** *** ****** *** the ************** that ******* ********* * more ********** ******* *** ******* ********** *********** laws **** ***** promote ****** equity ********* *** Civil ****** *** ** **** (PubL 88–352 78 Stat 241) *** *** ***** Pay *** ** **** (Pub L ** ***** 77 **** *** ***** **** **** established to ****** that *** ******* *** ******** with equal *********** and pay ********** ** ***** ****** ********* ** ******* ******* *** **** ** * ******* ***** ********* ********** of ***** ** ******* ********** *** *** **** ******** *** *** *** ***** does *** match **** of men ******* promises ** *** *********** of ************ ***** “all men are ******* ******** ** **** is *** **** and ** *** ****** ****** government ******* the **** **** ** ******* ** *********** social ****** ** ********* **** ** ********** ******** ************** in ****** ** ***** ****** **** ***** ****** ** ** ********* in ****** with *** ********* ** *** ******* ********** In ***** ********** ** ******* possible **** the ***** sample **** *** *** ******* ****** ************ of diversity *** ** large ************* such ** *** Federal ********** ****** which millions ** ******** ******** are ******** *** *********** statistics of ****** characteristics of ******* employees ****** match that ** *** ******* ************ ***** ** ********** how the ***** ** social ****** ** employment within *** ******* ********** ******** ** does *** ******* the ***** ** social ****** * ************ ********** ** a longitudinal data *** **** ** ********* ************ statistics ******** the ******** ** * measure ***** in **** **** would be the amount ** ****** ** **** racial ***** **** are ***** by *** Federal ********** ** **** ** *** ****** ** ****** in **** ****** ***** that **** in the United States *********** ***** quantities ***** make ** possible ** ********** ** the ****** ****** is practicing equitable ********** *********** ********** *** employment statistics of *** ********* ****** ** *** ****** ****** ********** **** the course of *** last decade ************ ******* can ** ****** that *** inform ************** ********* *** **** ****** service agency ******** *** ****** **** ***** **** **** ******* and *** informed ********* that ****** *** ** **** ******* ** other ****** ******* ******* ** ****** more ********* ************** ** *** goals ** the ****** ****** ********** ** ensure ** ********* ******* in ***** *** ***** ********* and genders do not ********** discrimination ** *** ************** ** ************* ********** *** term *********** is **** ****** *** ** ***** ***** it’s ****** ** ***** ** *********** The term refers to **** ** which ********* *** *********** *** defined **** scale ** *********** *** **** ******** properties ***** ********* *** ********* *** *** ** a ********** *********** ******** Nominal scale measurement ** *** best *** ** **** ******** It ** ******** ******** ** ****** ******** **** a ********** ** the *** ******* to ******** *** levels ** ******** *** ** ******** as * ****** ** ********* *** society’s ******* * ********** ****** that ********* on ******** *** independent **** *** allocation ** authority ************* ******* ********** ******* ** *** ****** of ********* ********** ***** ***** ** ***** descriptive data The ********** ** ****** *** ************* Origin **** *** ******* 2006-2017 demonstrate ****** ******** of employment **** *** ** **** ** ********** ** the ****** ****** ****** **** **** ** ********* ******* ** *** *** United ****** *** attained alignment ** hiring with *** diverse characteristics ** the ******** ********** ***** data **** *** ******** *** errors *** ********* Using * ************ **** *** makes ** ******** ** *** if *** progress ** ****** ***** ** *** diversity of the ********** ** the Federal ********** ** ** a ********** ** ****** ********** ** *************** different *********** **** ********** *** impact ** *** ********* of the ********* of ********** **** **** of *** general ********** in *** ****** ****** ***** researchers **** *** ***** ** diversity ** ****** *** **** ********* **** *** ****** ****** has tried to establish ********* practices without always realizing *** ***** *** ********* ****** ********* *** ***** * ****** detailed ** ***** ******** ** ********** ****** ******** **** *** Federal **** ***** of the ****** States sets *** bar *** ********* ****** ********* **** other public ******** ****** to ****** ******** *** ********** ************ ****** ******* ** social ****** in ***** ********** statistics **** ***** social service ******** *** ******* **** ***** ***** did *** **** *** **** ** ******** larger employment ********** with **** of *** ****** ** *** ****** States **** (2015) explained **** ********* ** ****** ******** ****** an ************** ******** as **** ** a ****** ****** ******** stating **** * lack ** ********* in ************ organizations ******* ** poorer *********** ********* ******** ********* ******** ********* *** turnover *** ******** ********* ** 97) ****** just *** ************ ** the ************ ********* application ** ********* ** hiring ******** a ******* ***** ** the society **** *** ******** **** ** **** ******* ******** **** **** have ********* ** their laws *** it ** **** ***** ** understand that diversity ****** * **** ************ function **** *** result ** ******** ********** *** *** ************ ** Choi *** ****** ****** remarked “racial ********* ************* ******** *********** ** *** ******** **** ********* ******** *** *********** among ************ ** **** ** ** increasingly ************* ****** *********** **** ****** **** ** ******** **** individual achievement diversity ****** considerable *********** advantages to organizations that *** *********** ********* ********** ********* **** ********* *** ********* ** *** ******** ******************* ** ****** of Measurement ************ *********** ****** * ****** of *********** **** ***** it ******** ** ********* ******** *** influence ** ****** that ***** ******* ** *** **** ** *** ******* ** *** United ****** ** ******* *** ******* ** ******** for *** ******** *** employment ********* **** ** equitable While ** ******* ******** in ***** samples **** highly ******* ********* that *** ** ******** ** ** organization ***** skew ********** ** favor ** *** ** **** ****** ******* however given *** **** **** *** ******* ********** employs **** **** *** ******* ****** its ********** ** ********** ****** mirror *** ********* ** *** ****** societyable ********** ** races ** federal ********** *** *** **** ******** and pay *** ***** does *** ***** **** of ****** ****** ****** ** ******* ** an effort to ******* * demonstration ** ******** in *** own ********** *** ******** * ******* ** *********** ******** *** ******* *** mandate ** ******* ******** ** ****** ********* ** ** ***** ********* to ********* ** *** United ****** *** ************ **** equality ** *** ****** ********* ** ********* *** ****** ** ********* Management ***** ********** ** ****** *** Race/National Origin **** set from 2006-2017 as **** ** * ********** **** *********** **** *** ****** ****** Census *** ********** that the United ****** ********** *** ******** in its ******* ** ****** ********* ** ********** ******* ** ******** to *********** an *********** alignment ** ****** ********* **** the demographics ** the ****** *** United ****** ********** *** not achieved ********* hiring ******** due ** ******* ********** ********* **** *** ** *** *** ** influencing *** hiring ******** inequitably The ***** is **** ******* because to assert **** the United ****** Government ** ******** practicing ********* ****** ******** *** ****** **** ***** **** ** ** ********** ** *** ************ ** the ****** ****** *** this ** *** possible from *** *** **** **** **** **** **** **** *** this ****** In ***** ***** it is ******** that * ****** population ** *** ****** group *** ** ******* employment **** *** ******* ********** than ***** racial ****** ** is also ******** **** ***** ** equitable ******* ** jobs with *** ******* Government *** *** ***** however it is *** possible ** ******** this ******** **** ********* complicating *** results that may emerge from an examination ** *** two **** **** **** in **** ******** 2000 ****** ****** Census shows **** **** *** of *** people in *** nation *** ********** ** White Black people ******** **** *** ** *** ******** ****** If *** ****** ****** Government *** practicing ********* ****** patterns ** ****** ** ****** **** *** ****** ********** should be ******* ** *** ******* population In **** ****** 20% of the workers ** the Federal ********** **** ***** **** ***** *** ******* ********** White ****** were ** ****** *** **** **** *** general population Hispanics **** not ***** by *** Federal ********** with *** **** percentage ** about **** ** *** ******* ********** **** ****** 1) Figure ** ********** ** ****** (2000) *** Employment ****** PercentagesThe *********** in hiring can ** ********* to ** associated with *** ****** ** ****** *** ******* the **** From this ******** it ** ********* ** tell if *** ****** ****** *** practicing ******** ** ****** diversity *** ** ******* at a comparison **** *** years later *** ********* ** *** ***** for ********* ******* ********* **** *** way that the ******* ********** of *** ****** States ** ******* was hiring people ********* **** * ******** ******* ** ********** the ****** ** Hispanic ****** *** taking ***** ************* ***** ** ***** ****** reported to *** ******* however **** *** not ** ********** ** the ****** ********** ** ******** ****** ** ** ** ******** **** **** people who were ******** *** *** ****** themselves ** ******** for many ******* ********* **** of ******** (Taylor Lopez ********* ***** ******* 2012) Despite *** ****** ******** ** both Hispanic *** White people ** the ****** ****** according to *** 2010 ****** ** **** a ******* increase in ******* ********* *** **** ******** was ********** (See ****** 2) **** ***** ******* *** ********** ** a ******* extent **** *** ******* ********** *** made * ********* effort ** recognize the ********* in the ******* ********** ********* ******** ****** that *** *** **** ********** ** hiring ******** of * ****** ****** ***** ****** ****** ***** *** **** and ***** ****** dropped ******** ********* their ********** by the ******* **************** ** ********** ** Census (2010) *** Employment (2016) **************** ********** that *** United ****** should practice ******** in ****** ** ********* by ** ********* ** population **** those *** *** hired by *** ******* ********** ** *** ********** however **** ** supported ** that *** Federal ********** ** ****** ** ****** ** ******* ************ ** establishing ****** ******** ** ********* by *** **** from *************** *** hypothesis **** the ******* Government has ******** racial ******** as ********* ** *** own hiring ******** *** *** **** ****** ** ** **** clear **** ******* **** been **** ** ******** racial equality ** ********* by ********** **** as well ** ** ******* ** the trends in ****** ** **** and **** ******* ********** ** ******* Employment (2016 and ***** ************* *** ***** population ** *** ****** ****** ********* ** *** ******** the ********** ** ***** people *** are employed ** *** ******* ********** has **** dipped ***** *** ***** **** ***** people than *** ******** ** the Federal ********** *** ***** could ** *** ** **** ******* ********* *** ******* **** *** ******** ** ******* ********** **** *** ** ***** ************ ***** including Washington DC ** ***** *** demographics ** ***** ****** are decidedly **** than the **** ** *** nation ** *** District the ************ ********* ** *** **** ****** are **** 49% ***** **** White *** *** ******** ********** *** ****** **** would **** **** * large ********* *** ** place ** favor ** ***** ******* ******* it is ***** ****** **** people from *** ******** ***** ********* ******** Virginia and ************ Maryland ******* ******** *********** *** ******* **** ** Washington ** *** ***** ** **** *** Federal ********** *** ********** that there ** * **************** ***** ** Hispanics *** *** hired ** *** ****** *** **** *** ****** *** made an effort ** ****** **** ** practicing **** racially ******* ****** patternsMeasures of ******* Tendency The **** ** the ******** of ****** ******** **** *** ******* *********** information for *********** analysis ******* *** median **** ** does *** **** as ********** ********* ** ******* * *** * **** cogently median *** **** differences add ************ ******* **** *** yearly employment ******* *** ******* ***** employment deviated **** the ****** **** ****** **** *** decade ** *** **** *** ******* *** fact **** *** ****** ********* * ********** population of ***** ****** ** *** ****** **** ** **** *** difference ******* the ****** and *** **** was ****** indicating * strong *********** ** the employment of ***** ****** in *** ****** ****** ******* ******** Mean 1338316) ** contrast ******* ******** *********** ************ ************ *********** ** ******* tendencies ******* ******* ****** ***** These *********** indicate ****** that *** ************ *** **** is ******* due ** *** ******** ** the ********** ** ****** ****** ** *** ****** ****** ********** in 2016 ******** to ********* are the ******* ********** *********** *** ***** charts **** *** specific ***** **** **** employed ** ********** over time *** *** required *********** *********************** ** ******* Tendencies ******** *** data ***** **** *** ****** ****** ********** ** ****** a concerted ****** ** ******* the ****** ** employment of minority *********** ** the ******* of *** White ********** **** ***** ** ********* ** * ****** **** ** the data *** external variables may indicate **** this finding *** not be ******** ********* *** comparative use ** data ** ******* of the hypothesis suggests that all *********** ** ethnic ****** ****** **** **** *** ********** **** *** **** frequency **** *** *** be ***** *** ******* ** ** ******** **** * ****** ********** ** ***** ****** ** *** **** ***** ******* ********* ** comparison to ***** ****** because of *** ********** compensation ******* for ***** ***************** ** dependent ********* ** * **** *********** ************ ****** *********** **** ****** ******** *********** are ********** ******** *** ********** stays steady **** could ** *** ****** of ********* ** ethnicity which ********* *** ***** ********* ***** ** ******** ** meet ******** ******** *** ************ ********** This represents a ****** ** *** data **** could negate *** ******** of the ********** *** ********** ** * ******** ******** **** (Figure 3) ConclusionThe ********* ** **** ******** *** complicated ** several ****** **** *** actual ********** ** ****** who ***** for **** representing *** ******* threat ** ***** ** **** the hypothesis of the ******* ********** ******** practicing ********* hiring ******** ***** require * **** base **** includes *** ************ ** the people *** ******* for ********* ** well ** *** ****** and ******* ********** ****** ******** If ***** ***** ** ******** then ** ***** ** ******** ** validate ** ********** *** ********** Yet *** hypothesis of ******* the ******* Government of *** ****** States ** ******** ******** *** **** equitable hiring ******** **** align **** the racial demographics ** the ****** ** ******************************* * ********* B & ***** J ****** *** ******* ********** ** * ***** Employer *** *** Impact ** ********** ***** ****** ** ******* Emp *** & Emp Pol'y J ** ******* * ***** ****** H * ****** ******** diversity in ** ******* agencies: ******* of ********* and ********* management on ******** *********** ** ************** *********** ****** Administration ****** 70(1) *********** * * ****** ********* ********* ** ******** and governmental ************* Diversity *** ****** administration: ****** issues and ************ *** ***** ** ******** Office ** ********* Management ****** ** ****** Planning & ******** Data ******** ***** ****** ********* Branch Employment ** ****** *** ************* ****** ********* **** *** ********* **** ********* from: **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

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